Organization, that is.
What did you think this post title was about?
Sicko 🙂
Okay – so now that we got that all out on the table (ewwy pun totally intended) let’s talk about the big kahoona in January….ORGANIZATION.
Yup. The other dirty word.
Organization. Yup. January is all about cleaning up your junk. It’s there. It’s a hot mess. And at some point you wish it would just grow it’s own set of hands so that it can start oozing itself toward the recycle bin and pick itself up to throw itself in. Why? Because organizing it yourself would be like having your boobs slammed in a freezer door repeatedly…also known as a mammagram. It’s painful. It requires a ton of time you already don’t have. And it’s junk you only care about a split second of the day and good for something that’s gonna expire in two minutes.
I am in that group. The hoarder-tendencies-with-pretty-much-everything group. It’s physically painful for me to throw away…especially since we are house-poor…err…living on a tighter budget. I blame my brainwashing mother. (love you mommy!) She taught me that if you save something you will have it later so that you can save the money you would have spent on buying it. AND with a little creativity…you might end up saving a whole lotta money. Sooo I end up being a junkster. Not her fault. Entirely my own doing. And she is right…but of course, in true Katie fashion, I over do things.
Hence my kitchen desk:
It became this place of ‘putting down’. I didn’t have a place for my craft paint…I just put it down on the desk. I didn’t know where to hang Will’s art to dry…I just put it on the desk light fixture. I didn’t want to sort through old candy, coupons, receipts and memoriabilia from vacations…I just put it on top of everything else.
Hot mess indeed.
That’s when the fine folks of Lowe’s Creative Ideas Magazine came to my rescue. They gave me $100 to use toward an organization project. I contemplating blowing it all on their book section and then ‘organizing’ them into my bookshelves…but Jer reminded me that the kitchen desk was going to start eating toddlers soon if I didn’t address the problem.
Soooo….with gift card in hand, we walked into Lowe’s with our plan of attack. I sketched it out just for my sanity sake….
And when we got home, I snapped on my rubber gloves and got to cutting the cutter…
Also known as relocating…all of these items were pulled off the desk and microwave area. Yes. I needed an intervention.
And we started by installing the shelves above the desk area. Yes, they are supposed to be askew. Didn’t you see the very fine albeit slightly squished artistic rendering of the finished desk? Skewed shelves are in. Like totally.
One brand new outdoor light & three shelves later, we have ourselves a brand new workspace.
I was able to sort through a bunch of stuff…throw some away….and organize the rest into this desk.
The lower part works great for my photography stuff. The little white bin holds all the blank cds I need…the green file folder holds current important stuff…like our budget info…and blog contracts…and comic books (not kidding) and all that good stuff. And the blue boxes hold everything else I need for the photography biz that doesn’t fit into the drawers.
I absolutely love having pens out in the open – and paint brushes…so those little woven planter containers (from ikea) were perfect for eliminating the five minutes of looking for a pen.
The light is a huge improvement too – at first I was planning on painting it – but I love how the silver finish plays up the stainless steel appliances and the silver clock and silver faux orchid vase. And since this area is separate from the rest of the kitchen, I feel like making the light different is a-ok.
Above the microwave, we eliminated all the junk and moved in the oversized fabric covered cork board. I decided that this board would be ONLY dedicated to photos…so now I have to print some 🙂 But no more party invites…no more doctor appt cards or birthday cards from the dentist….just pictures would be on here.
Yes, I am completely obsessed with elephants. It’s weird. I think I am so into them because Will can make their noise. He can’t bark like a dog. He has no idea what a pig says. But an elephant? He can phfrrooooo with the best of them. Oh and my Pappap loves them too. Double special. My little trunky guy has the tacks on his back.
Huge improvement if I do say so myself. And will be the perfect function as a ‘family desk’ for many years to come.
And now for some side-by-sides…you know…so that I can pat myself on the back.
But as good as it feels to have all that desk organized and my receipts shredded….do you know what feels even better?
No idea?
Well…it’s know that one of my readers gets the chance to do the same thing with their own home…because LCI magazine is sponsoring a giveaway! Here’s some details on how you can win:
- PRIZE : (1) $100 Gift Card to Lowe’s Home Improvement Store
- TO ENTER : Leave a comment with the phrase ”Love me some Lowes” and tell me your fantasy do-it spot…where you wanna do it….organize that is 🙂
- NITTY GRITTY : This giveaway ends on January 31st at 8am EDT. Only one contest entry per email address. The winners will be chosen using and announced on this post.
p.s. Lowe’s is on Pinterest! Go check em out!
Jamsby says
Love me some Lowes.
My sewing area is a disaster. We live in a 1bdrm apartment with a 2 year old and MY corner needs some major help!
Jakki @ says
Aww thats soo purdy now!!! Great work!!
Cindy Reynolds says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to work on our home office/ guest room. We’re expecting a baby girl in May, so our once lovely guest room, is now her nursery, and our once functional office, is now multitasking. Not ideal, but I can work with it.
Jill says
Love me some Lowes
I have got to get organizing my garage!
Valerie J. says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I’d love to organize our master bathroom. No linen closet in there so things are stuffed random places.
Hayley says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I need to organize every single room in my house, haha!
Martha says
Love me some Lowes!
It actually is my favorite store! We just moved from a medium sized house with a basement and attic in PA to a small house in CA with no basement or attic so organization is a MUST. We plan to redo the kitchen some day so I will need some great organizational things in those new cabinets. Fingers crossed!
Haley says
Love me some Lowes!
Our third baby… Due any day will be moving in with our five year old son. We could stand a bit more organization for: sharing a closet, toy storage, etc!
Mama D says
Love me some Lowe’s!
AND I’d love to tackle my son’s stashes of outgrown clothes. Currently they are rammed into his little closet, awaiting containers (and the money to buy said containers!)
Dani says
Love me some Lowes!
I have to many places to organize… first and foremost, my daughters toys! All the clutter is driving me nuts 🙂
Jill says
Love me some Lowe’s!
After a couple years of trying we found out we are pregnant – with twins! Would love to turn our guest coat closet into more functional toy storage.
Megan C C says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my baby girl’s closet! All of her toys are currently being stored in a laundry basket because we have no place to put them! Help! 🙂
Kate says
Katie- where did you get that elephant and green boxes? Looks great!
Love me some Lowes!
Would love to move my hot water heater and finally have a pantry!
Molly says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I would most likely de-clutter /organize my bedside table area or our basement work/storage room.
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes!
What part of my house don’t I want to organize?! We’re moving next month, so each time we have to show our current home, we stuff things in drawers! I haven’t seen my favorite bra in a month. True story. I need all kinds of help.
rachel says
love me some lowes! i would spend it on getting my laundry/mud room more organized…
Whit says
Love me some Lowes!
I would definitely reorganize my kitchen cabinets. The corner shelves are the worse – where platters go to die…
julianna says
Love me some Lowes!
My whole house needs serious organizational help.
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowe’s!
We bought our first house. And then we almost burned it down for the insurance money. We have a lot of projects to complete to organize our stuff so the rest of the space can feel homey and cozy. I would use work on organizing and storing my son’s toys!
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes. I’d do it on my bill paying desk.
Carrie F. says
Love me some Lowes!
I could use some makeover magic in my office/craft room/ebay room! What a disaster in there!
Haley says
Love me some Lowes!!! I’d love to do it (organize) my teensy tiny closet 🙂
Jana Crawford says
Love Me Some Lowes!
My computer desk area / bill paying station needs attention badly. I try everyday I really do but it just collects paper and you know anything that I can’t find a home for! Every surface is covered… 🙁
Erin Parker says
Love me some lowes!!! My fantasy spot would definitely be my closet, I know it has untapped potential!!! Love your desk, it looks awesome!!!
JennCfrGA says
LOVE ME SOME LOWE’S! I need some organizational help for my bonus room/ playroom /guest room/junk room!
Rebecca says
Love me some Lowe’s ! I would love to build in some new shelving and counter in a strange, naked (oh I said naked) nook in our kitchen!
Madeline says
”Love me some Lowes”
Hmmm…tough one, probably a tie between the office and the bathroom! They are both in desperate need of some major organization and de-cluttering!
Erika says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My office is in dire need of some organization! I work from home and would love a peaceful, un-cluttered space to spend my time!
Linda says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I’d love to split the too deep bathroom close to make a bath closet and a linen closet that opens into the hall. Also there’s that storage banquette that I’ve been meaning to make. Also the walk in closet that I’ve been meaning to add to the wall of my master bedroom……..and……
Stacie says
Love the way you spruced up your desk area! I desperately need to do the same to my desk area in the kitchen.
Aimee says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My craft room/office/mom cave/whatever! It needs HELP. Like, yesterday!
Your shelves (and accoutrements) look great – congrats on tackling that spot. 🙂
Holly says
Love me some Lowes!
Our 3rd spare bedroom! After doing all the bedrooms, office, living spaces, and 2 guest rooms, I totally ran out of steam. Now the room is where all things random get dumped and forgotten about. I’m embarrassed to admit that I even walk more quickly by the closed door when walking down the hall on that side of the house.
Amy W. says
Seriously, I “Love me some Lowes!” I would organize my pantry since it is an out of control hot mess. 🙂 Thanks so much!
Lori @ Lighten Up! says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office needs an intervention in a major way. Seeing your cute desk inspires me to get working on mine!
And don’t even get me started on the pantry closet in the kitchen…
Tabitha says
Love me some Lowes! I want to organize my closet some more and some of my spare closets!
Brianna says
Love me some Lowes!
I would organize our boys toys….they are everywhere.
Miranda says
Love me some lowes!!!! I would love todo my office/art space. Right now it’s a little dark and dingy with no organization!!!
Julie says
Love me some Lowes! I have a closet that I just don’t open. It’s part coat closet, cleaning closet, linen closet, and death trap. I think that last one is a dealbreaker.
Katie says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d love to organize our DVDs, Video games, headphones, remotes and video game controllers. The clutter and wires are driving me insane!
Beth says
Love me some Lowes! I’m still struggling with my craft room organization after 2 years in this house. This is great inspiration!
christa says
love me some lowes!
i reallllly need to organize our under the sink in the bathroom. It is a total disaster!
beth says
“Love me some Lowe’s” I have two hotspots ready for a re-do. My bedroom closet and my bathroom under the sink. WHAT A MESS! Thanks for the chance to win.
Cora says
Love me some Lowes!!
And my laundry room could definitely use some organization!
Kara says
Love me some Lowe!
The bathroom, for sure!
Kim says
I’d love to organize and fully utilize this huge 8 ft. closet we have in our hallway! So many ideas…
nikki olson says
Love me some lowes! I am dying to create a command center in our dining room.
Sara says
Love me some Lowe’s….my kitchen cabinets.
Nina says
Love me some Lowes!
I want to do it in the guest bedroom/office…. you know, organize it.
Shellie says
Love me some Lowes (seriously-there isin’t one in our town so we actually make it a date night to drive to Lowes and oogle the goods for an hour or two).
I have an office /craft room that currently collects junk and is begging for a little attention. It hasn’t gotten any love since we moved in!
Heather says
Love me some Lowes! I would use it to organize my teeny tiny laundry room.
Sara says
Love me some Lowes!
Definitely the island. Mail clutter, grocery clutter, clutter clutter. We have clutter. I need some organization in my life or I might go nuts!
Bharati says
Love me some lowes. I would organize my closets.
Selidji Laleye says
Love me some lowes!
I need help everywhere in the house. Thanks
Dory says
Love me some Lowes… We are building a new house, ourselves, and it has definitely been a challenge. I can’t think of a specific place for organization because there are so many. Would be very handy :-).
Tara says
Love me some Lowes!!!!
I would reorganize our front hall closet…Ah who I am kidding! I would organize it for the first time!! lol
Addison says
Love me some Lowes!! I really need this to help organize my office, it’s a disaster!
Ashley says
Love me some lowes!
It’s hard to choose one place! Either the kitchen counter/Lansing pad for bills, newspaper, dra cards, anything my husband doesn’t know where to put or my sewing/knitting/office. Or my basement storage or … or… or… so many options!
Marianne K. says
Love me some Lowe’s. Oh, if you could see MY desk. . . Ugh! My husband and I share a 2-person desk. We traded spots a few weeks ago and my side is STILL a heap. Help!
heather f says
Love me some Lowes!
I was just there today buying some paint.
I have a spare bed room that needs some help. shelves and baskets would be nice and I’d love to make the closet more workable. it’s just stupid
Elle says
Love me some Lowes!
I recently moved out of my parents house and into college. My parents decided to turn my room, the biggest bedroom in the house (besides the master) into a “man cave.” Fan-freakin-tastic! I get a different room so I would definitely be using this card to organize my new room. 🙂
Catherine says
Love me some Lowe’s! My husband and I are moving soon, so this card would be a big help with organizing the new house!
Jennifer says
love me some lowes! my whole house 🙂
katreena says
Love me some Lowes!
We are currently trying to make our 90 sq ft kitchen (yes, you read that correctly) roomier, so I would love to add some open shelving in place of upper cabinets to organize all of my favorite glasses and dishes to be on display!
Meghan B. says
Love me some Lowe’s! We would love to add some more storage space/shelves to our kitchen–there’s just not enough room to put everything!
Chrissie says
Love me some Lowes! I could really use to do it in my closet. Organize, that is. Boring, I know!!
Nicole says
Love me some Lowe’s! I think the best spot to organize right now would be the corner of my bedroom. Right now it houses everything that doesn’t go anywhere. I would like to see a little reading nook with a display of my collection of metal stars!
Laeh J says
Love me some Lowes!
I have lots of to-be filed/shredded papers stored away all over my house. I need some decorative solutions for holding everything.
Katie says
Love me some Lowes… in the office/sewing/workout room. Its your before desk x10 across an entire room. Its in need of some MAJOR organization.
MichelleLG says
i do Love me some Lowes :o)
we need a system for our “drop zone” where random mail, appointment reminders, cards, bills, etc comes to land. would love to incorporate it into an office/desk area or as part of an entry area and some organizational help from our neighborhood Lowes would be great toward that!
Arell says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My spot is the (damn) coat closet!
Alex says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize my closet and desk!
steph anne says
Love me some Lowes!
I want to get some stuff for our front & back yard! It needs some loving before it gets too hot here in the summer (Arizona girl here).
Kiana says
Love me some Lowe’s
My desk, bill paying area, crafting, and jewelry making area needs some major organizing… right now it is all a mess on a folding table.
Mary says
Love me some Lowes! I wanna do it in the playroom…oh dear…. 🙂
D'Net Layton says
Love me some Lowes!
Sue w says
Love me some Lowes!!!
I would redo my daughters closet. It is a disaster. HELP PLEASE.
Krista f says
Love me lowes!!! My craft area and my baby boys closet needs lots of help!!!!
emuhle says
wow, that looks great! i love when a space is functional and pretty. 🙂
and i love me some lowe’s! we’re in the beginning stages of some big projects around here, so i’ve got a list of oh, 10 places that could use some good organization help. of course, that’s on top of the rest of the house that needs help, too…
Michelle Davis says
Love me some Lowes! I would definately organize the craftroom!
Autumn says
love me some Lowes! Our closets need some help!
Wrenaria says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES. Oh man, does my desk need organizing.
Tyler says
love me some Lowes!
Our guest room. We’re 2000 miles away from all our family and friends so it just gets everything but guests!
Michelle says
“Love me some Lowes!” My baby’s nursery needs some major organization!
Layla Weaver says
Love me some Lowes!
I would do it… the garage… hubby is gonna help me build shelves to house all the junk in there as well as start a section for all my coupon stock ups!! 🙂
Melissa says
Love me some Lowes! Our living room needs to be rescued from receipts, junk mail, everything that gets tossed there!
Kristen P. says
Love me some Lowes!
My daughter’s closet which also houses all my crafting and sewing supplies is a hot mess.
nancyo says
I love me some lowes!
My parents kitchen needs some major help. They have a tight space (row home in Philly) and the cabinets are literally falling apart. I would love to help them refab new cabinets like YHL or build from scratch like Ana-White. But .. since I live in Denver and they live in Philly, my DIY-parent version is a bit more constrained. Sorry for the babble. I hope I win the kitchen card so I can contribute it to my parents future kitchen reno.
Speaking of kitchen reno, can you tell your bff’s that I’m dying to see their end kitchen reno? If they had a pre-show E! version (like they do for all of the award shows), I def think Bower Power should host the pre-party live coverage version.
PS: I love the desk redo. Who sort of handles/knobs did you use? Did you make the shelves or were they repurposed from another part of your old house?
Kelly says
Love me some Lowes! I’d do my bedroom built-ins by my window! Soo unorganized!
Brittany K says
Love me some Lowes
I’m in need of some serious organizational help in all areas of the house. But for starters the bathroom closet!
Beth says
Great job on the organizing KB! Major improvement! 🙂
Anyway, “I love me some Lowe’s!”
And I would love to organize our “office” and computer desk area with this prize $$$!
Lauren says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to organize our home office!
Kim says
Love me some Lowe’s! My office space needs a facelift. It’s a disaster zone!
Ana says
Katie, this looks great!
Your house is starting to look like a home, and I’m really happy for you guys!
No Love me some Lowes, because I’m in Portugal!! But good job Katie and Lowes, anyway!
Melissa says
I need to organize our linen closet! Every time I open the door something falls out!
Lisa says
I too “love me some Lowe’s” – my office/craft room/guest room is a hot mess right now, and pretty much always, so this could definitely help pave the way to better organization.
Anna says
Love me some Lowes!
I would definitely organize my kitchen since it’s tiny and doesn’t have too many cabinets or storage.
Bridget says
Love me some Lowes!
My dream is to organize our multipurpose room. That place is a disaster!
Joy says
Love me some Lowes
My room is a former storage room, tons of my stuff and random other stuff is everywhere, I’d probably redo the closet so I can actually put clothes in there instead of piled in the laundry basket.
Laura says
Jeepers woman! It looks amazing! And it has inspired me because I was worried that painting my Office shelves black, or a dark chocolate color, would go not work with the lighter colors I had in mind…but it totally does!
Ps: I’m not being deliberately aloof with my ‘Love me some Lowes’. I’m sure I would love me some if Lowes was in Australia. Actually, I think it is. I think it is a clothing chain specializing in outfitting men who are over 50…
Jackie says
Love me some Lowes!
My favorite place to organize is my bathroom closet and the 2 junk drawers we have in the kitchen. I reorgd the bathroom closet on Christmas vacation but need to hit the junk drawers – badly!
Lisa R. says
Hi Katie,”Love Me Some Lowes”!!!My tupperware closet is always a mess!!That would be my mission spot!Lj
Lisa E says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I have the same area that needs addressing, the kitchen desk! It’s easy accessibility makes it be a catch all. That’s an eye sore for when guests arrive!
Cheri says
Love me some Lowes!!
I was love to have more organization in my kitchen cabinets!
Cheri says
Jen says
Love me some Lowes!
I would send this to my mom, she is in need of some serious den organization on no budget so it would really kick start her room organization.
Kelley says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my closet office.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Nikki Fox says
Love me some Lowes. I would love to organize all of my holiday decor in the basement. Need to get some nice size tubs to give each holiday thier own space 🙂
Alison says
My office needs desperate help. It is an office, dressing room, fly tying room and general place where everything with out a home lands. This would be perfect!
Emily says
I would love to organize the walk in closet!
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!
I would ‘do it’ under my bed (hehe). I’ve pretty much shoved everything I don’t need under there for the past two years. Disaster!
Alison says
Love me some Lowes….. my entire coffee table seems to be the junk attractor of the house and collects everything!!!
Jennifer says
Love me some Lowes!
My pantry needs a complete overhaul. Has inappropriately sized and spaced shelves that need to go!
Caitlin says
Love me some Lowes!
We’re nearing the end of our 6-month gut and renovation project on our new home and our dining room has been the catchall for all of or junk, boxes, extra furniture, etc. It basically looks like a room sized version of your desk before. It needs help!!
Erin says
Love me some Lowes!!
We are moving into our new home this Spring (pending everything continues to go well!). I would love to redo the kitchen! The cabinets are OKAY but old and need a facelift. The countertops as well. The opposite side houses a fridge and large cabinet that is more like a storage unit for a garage. Would love to add some more counter top space and NORMAL cabinet space over there!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes. I would totally organize the “media room” in the basement. Toys, books and movies are everywhere now. It’d be nice to get a jump on organizing it!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes!
I just started brainstorming some ways to control our toy clutter in our living room. I definitely need more hidden storage options, I think. Thanks for the chance to win!
Jen says
Love me some Lowes! I really, really need to organize my kids’ closets! Moved into the house a year ago and have done nothing in the way of making them more kid friendly.
Jen Migonis says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d love to organize our desk area as well… A box for bills, a box for everything needed to pay the bills, etc. But I want to keep it all hidden… 🙂
Great work on your desk area!
Jamie racine says
Love me some Lowes – Would love to organize the built in shelves in my office!
Holly says
Love me some Lowes…
My office is a mess and in need of some major organization!
heidi says
Love me some Lowes!
Our house could use a whole organization make over! Right now, my first choice would be the guest room where my husband takes off and stores his shoes every day. It is messy and unpleasant to look at. A gift card from Lowes would go a long way to saving my sanity!
Have a great day- enjoy your newly organized desk!
Kym says
Love me some Lowes!!! I have some organizational needs in every room of my house, but MOST in need is my baby’s room! he’s making the transition to toddler toy land….we need some help STAT!! (Thanks for the giveaway!)
Jenn says
Love me some Lowes! The desk…or the garage of shame.
Emily H says
Love me some Lowes!
As good as I am at organizing, I have a walk in closet that could use some help…or my boyfriend’s entire room of mountain biking stuff.
jennifer says
Love me some Lowe’s!!! I would love love love to help out my husband’s desk.
Betsy says
Love me some lowes!!
Our office, err catchallroomfullofsoooomuchjunk, is in desperate need of some reorganization. Boy, would that gift card help!
Liane says
Love me some Lowes!!
We’re moving in March, and I am dreaming of a “family desk” set up much like yours! 🙂 I have the perfect spot for it in the corner of our new family room. Great job, love the colors you chose for your accessories. 🙂
Heather says
Love me some Lowes!
I would totally start with our command center/mudroom. It is AWFUL!!! Pretty sure if a small child went in there, they wouldn’t come back out.
Samantha says
Love me some Lowes!
My do it spot would be our hall closet—a black hole of coats, mops, light bulbs, etc. Scary!
Gina says
Love me some lowes!
I need to organize our master closet!
rosie says
I really do love me some lowes-spend my “free” time there actually 🙂
After more than 6 months of my husband working at home, and more than 4 years of me doing the same, we are finally setting up a true home office space on the first floor of our old house. I could definitely use some help getting it organized.
Kate says
Love me some Lowes.
I so need to organize all of my sewing stuff. It is a complete disaster…some of it is with the sewing machine, some of it is haphazardly stuffed in a closet…plus I went to JoAnn’s last week, and there is a bag full of pretty new things to sew sitting in my living room because I can’t figure out where to put them…fail!
Courtney says
Love me some Lowes!
My kitchen needs a ton of help.
Lindsay says
Love me some Lowes!
My dresser is out of control is jewlery and single socks (who are awaiting their buddies from the “next” load of laundry)and other random stuff that comes out of our pockets at the end of the day. Its a mess!
Tracy says
Love me some lowes! It would be a tie for me between the laundry room and the office space!
Kelli@becomingkelli says
Love me some Lowes! Our entry way is DESPERATE for some organization.
Lauren says
Love me some Lowes! We have a junk closet that I basically throw things in when I don’t know where they should go. It’s in major need of some organization!
Laine says
Love me some Lowes!
We are in serious need of some book shelves (I have dreams of built ins). I haven’t seen my books since I packed them up 3 years ago before we moved.
Jill says
Love me some Lowes! If you could only see my guest room. I think it is where everything I don’t use on a weekly basis goes to die. I know the gift card won’t solve all my problems, but it’ll certainly help and give me a kick in the rear end to get started.
Carolyn says
Love me some Lowes! My sewing area is in need of some desperate help.
Elizabeth says
Love me some Lowe’s! I would love love love to organize my closet! It is a hot mess!
Erin says
Love me some Lowes! Basement is in NEED of organization!
Dee says
I would transform my craft room into a totally functional (and beautiful) space.
Christy says
Love me some Lowes. My closet needs some organization love. Everytime I see those gorgeous closets in Lowes ad….
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our playroom/office/dog bedroom. I like to call it multi-functional but really, it’s just a mess. Every weekend starts out with “I’m gonna get that room together” and ends with me doing anything else in the world besides tackling it.
Erica says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d like to do it (organize) in my office. Thanks for the inspiration!
Sarah B. says
Love me some Lowe’s! My utility room/laundry/pantry needs a LOT of help. It’s the entry from the garage… so it becomes the catch-all for everything and it’s out of control!
Regan R @ RenovatingRothenbergers says
Love me some lowes!
I wanna do it in our kitchen cabinets!!
Your desks looks soooo much better. And the drawer handles really help the space look put together. Great job 🙂 🙂
Blythe says
LOVE ME SOME LOWE’S —- I really do like Lowe’s so much for organizing (much better than that other home improvement store that I won’t mention). I want to organize my entryway closet AND turn it from a closet to a mudroom! Fingers, toes and other parts crossed to help me win this priiiiiiizzzzzeeeee 🙂
Faye says
Love me some Lowes!
We moved into our current house when I was pregnant with our daughter so I kind of squashed my control freak side for the sake of not causing stress. But now that she is 2-1/2 years old the house feels like a disaster zone (I’ve got a little bit of OCD when it comes to organization), we’ve redone most of the rooms in the house EXCEPT our master bedroom…so I’d like to find some creative ways to organize our overly tiny closet and find a better way to sort laundry so I’m not spending hours sorting before I even get to the days worth of laundry (UGH). SUPER LONG RUN on sentence. My apologies…the angst just spilled out of my fingers. Haha SORRY!
Claire says
Love me some Lowes! Our office closet…
Ashley N. says
Love me some Lowes
My parents are renovating their bathroom at the moment. I think this would be a nice surprise gift from me so they can get that room organized!
Molly says
Love me some lowes
I also want to do it on the desk
MaryKate says
Love me some Lowes!
I work from home, so my desk needs some serious help! I also have the same place in the kitchen that collects all the “stuff”. That area needs a lot of love too!
Alex says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I’d love to do it in my closet. It is an even hotter mess than your counter tops, and it’s in serious need of help.
Shannon says
Love me some Lowes!!!
I wanna do it in my office/craft room. Bad!!
kelly g says
Love me some Lowes!
I need some shelving bad to get all of my craft supplies organized!
April says
Love me some Lowe’s! Our mudroom/extra small room with no real purpose yet.
Love your desk!!!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I just started working from home, and need some serious help organizing my office into a functional work space!
Kim says
Love me some Lowes
Our office is in need of some organization.
Kate says
Love me some Lowes! I could use some closet organization!
Lisa P. says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I would love to organize a crafting area….right now things are kept in random places throughout the house.
BTW, your desk looks AAAAAMAZING!
Elizabeth P. says
Love me some Lowe’s!! Our unfinished basement has become a dumping ground for everything that we don’t know where to put.
Charlotte | Living Well on the Cheap says
Love me some Lowes! I have been dreaming of some major organization in my office area. I’m thinking some serious shelvage is in order.
kate says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need to organize my bathroom vanity and closet…and the rest of my house.
Tiffany says
Love me some Lowe’s.
Trying to organize a new nursery that was a guest room. Lots of things to get rid of and organize!
Stewart says
Love me some Lowes!
The second bedroom that is supposed to be the craft/office/guest space. would love to get it together so it actually fulfills those functions.
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes…. I’d love to rework the tool bench I have in my office. Currently it has litterboxes, a sewing machine, fabric scraps, stuff I’ve just had to put down somewhere, etc. Help!
Kay says
“Love Me Some Lowes”
I need to organize my pot and pans cabinet.
Lisa says
LOVE me some Lowes! I desperately need some organizational help in my eat in kitchen that doubles as a dining room, a sewing space, a craft room, and a homework area! 🙂
Sarah @ Redhead in Ruffled Flats says
Love me some Lowes!!!
Our whole apartment . . . Or maybe just our desk area. 🙂
Shary says
Love me some Lowes.
My disorganized spot is my computer desk. Still sporting a desktop computer – no laptop yet, plus a large printer and more paper than needs to be here. Since hubby is painting the room next week it will have to go somewhere.
Abby says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to clean up my dining room table- its become our paperwork dumping grounds.
AmiDawn says
Love me some Lowes!
my desk/office in the basement is in need of a serious organization intervention…
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d likely use this to organize all my sewing/knitting/crafting supplies in my office as up until now I’ve just been using printer paper boxes from work!
Katie says
Love me some Lowes! I NEED to reorganize my pantry!
Katie N. says
Love me some Lowes!
Well, I could use some organization pretty much everywhere at my house, but I’d say my utility closet and storage closet (the only two places in our tiny condo to put anything/everything that doesn’t have a specific purpose/place!) could use some organizational lovin’!
Mandy says
LOVE me some Lowe’s. They have such great stuff!
I would love to do it in the basement…I already have the schematic drawn up and everything. Just need the funds!
Cheri s says
Love me some lowes!
My Dining room buffet!
Danielle says
Love me some Lowes! I have a craft area that is in desperate need of organization!
Krys72599 says
We’re putting up a surround on our sitting room fireplace and I have an available corner. I was considering moving a small (2″x3″) table into that corner, getting one of those clear acrylic chairs, and creating a little bill-paying alcove. Right now this is our vacation home but we’re getting close to retirement and pretty soon it will be our primary residence. I’ll need a place to keep bills and important papers that isn’t part of my scrapping room/spare room, or kitchen, etc. I have the table already – it’s too small to craft on but just right for a laptop, an envelope and a pen. So pick me! Pick me!!!
Carla says
Love me some lowes!
Your desk area looks great 🙂 love that outdoor light!
Alana says
Love me some Lowe’s! My desk could definitely use some organization as well!
Karen R. says
Love me some Lowes… I need to organize our office space 🙂
sarah r. says
Love me some Lowes!
My entryway is a disaster. HELP ME, LOWES!
Alisa says
Love me some Lowes!
I can’t decide between my studio, our entryway desk, our kitchen bar, or our dining room….yeah, I have a piling problem…
Melisa says
Love me some Lowes!! We’ve sloooowwly been organizing the play room/office/den. I would love to finish that project!
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!
Seriously, my whole house. But I think I’d start with our dining room/landing area. We need a place to set all our stuff when we come in the door and right now it all lands on the table. Yuck.
Tempest says
Love me some Lowes!!
With a toddler (read: A LOT OF TOYS) I’d love to have some organization for all of her stuff! Though seeing your desk reno has gotten me dreaming of a lovely space like that! 🙂
Courtney Nabors says
Love me some Lowes!!!! The kids homework desk, the playroom closet, my closet…. the list is 3 days long. 😉
Katy K. says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I would do it in the office – my sewing table seems to want to eat the computer desk!
cassie says
love me some lowes! we have a secretary desk that is out of control. Needs some serious help!
Tammy says
Love me some Lowes.
My garage is in desperate need of organization! The rest of my house has already been hit with the January organization bug I currently have.
Robin says
Love me some Lowes!! It is only 1.4 mi from my home <3
I would do it in the dining room, which is the home of my personal desk nightmare. In competition with your before picture 🙂 The after picture is fab!
Jill C. says
Oh do I ever love me some Lowes!! My husband says they love me too–I think a little secret alarm goes off to the employees every time I walk in there. My closet in the master bedroom is a horrendous mess! Things actually slide out of it when the doors are opened–so aggravating! Help me Lowes! Thank you Katie for always bringing a smile to my face and sharing your wit, great projects and beautiful family with the rest of us– 🙂
Suzanne says
My office is in desperate need of some organization…it’s been on the to-do list forever : )
Heather says
Love me some Lowes – My computer desk area needs some major help. Barely have room to move the mouse.
WendyMI says
Love me some Lowes!!!
Woot… I wanna do it in the kitchen! I have piles all over my kitchen counter, and bags of stuff all over the floor. Seriously, there’s a path between the fridge, oven, sink, pantry, and both exits… with piles everywhere else. It’s pretty pathetic, but I’d love to be able to see my pretty countertops one day soon. *sniff*
Regina says
Love me some Lowe’s! I have always wanted to organize my husband’s desk. He doesn’t seem to have a problem with it, but it’s a complete disaster and it pains me to look at.
Giles says
Love me some Lowe’s!
There is a corner of my kitchen in desperate need of some shelves just like yours! I would love to get that corner organized.
Terri says
Love me some Lowes!
I want to do it in the bedroom ;)! We have a small house, so if we don’t know where something should go or don’t feel like looking, it goes in the bedroom.
Ericka says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to organize my pantry! Please pick me:)
Jessica says
Love me some Lowes! We need to do some organizing in our little girl’s room.
michelle@decorandthedog says
Love me some Lowes!! (And not just for this giveaway, it’s true.)
My office could use about $100 worth of help!
Bree H says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I need to organize so, so many areas, but #1 on my list is the craft area to make it more user friendly for my kids.
Katie T. says
“Love Me Some Lowes”
My closet!! we live in a small apt. with a baby and 2 cats…and the closet stores everything from linens to shoes to purses to pillows. a nice organizing system would be great!
Mandy S says
Love me some Lowes
I am in desperate need of some shelves for the office. It has started to become a catch all, and I’m running out of places to put things in there to accommodate both work and home functions. HELP!
Cordia says
“Love me some Lowes”! My craft stuff is a disaster. It has all kind of been stuffed into the bottom drawer of my buffet table and china cabinet. It’s the only place I can keep it out of reach where my little one cant get to it! I keep saying I will go through it and organize, but have yet to. Also need to get something to keep all the artwork and special things my son brings home from school. It’s hard to throw anything out, but if I didnt we would be buried. I just decide what’s really special and save that, so some sort of tote to put it all in would be great.
Carly G says
Love me some Lowes! We have an entry way table that is the dumping ground for everything- mail, magazines, receipts, coupons, pictures, etc. etc. I would LOVE to organize it!
Allison says
Love me some Lowes
I want a desk area in the kitchen to wrangle papers.
I just saw that Lowes is on Pinterest! I admire their web-presence; they have a lot of personality.
Laura says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to do it in our spare room, it could definitely eat a toddler!
chelsea leming says
Love me some Lowes: our basement!!
Anna Cole says
Love Me Some Lowes! I would totally get our desk area snazzied up. It’s pretty sad right now.
Liz B says
Love me some Lowes.
All of my closets need a major make over!!! I “clean” when we have people over and just throw stuff on top of even more stuff that I threw in last time I “cleaned.” It is a problem.
Joy says
Your desk area is so purty!
Love me some Lowe’s! My sewing/business area could REALLY use some organization. There is stuff spilling out everywhere.
mom2lo says
Love me some Lowes!!! 🙂
We’re building a new home that is more than twice the size of our current home. That means LOTS of new spaces that will need some serious organization. I don’t even know where to begin… Well, that’s not exactly true. I know EXACTLY where I want to begin! With a certain TOY BOX project to organize our new play area/loft! 🙂
Seriously. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this storage solution and asked my FIL to build it for me. He said he’d buy me something similar from Target as a housewarming gift. LOL! I haven’t given up though… I’m gonna beg my husband to do it. Unless, of course, Jer is available?? 😉
Cathy says
I need to organize so, so, much. But the room we use as an office would be my start.
Courtney says
Love me some Lowes! I NEED to organize my spare room/office and its closet. It has started to become a black hole of miscellaneous items, and I need to bring some organization and function in there so I (and guests) can actually use it!
Lynsey says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I would love to get my desk in our playroom organized!!
Catherine says
Love me some Lowes! I have a spice/baking supply cabinet screaming for some baskets and tiered racks.
Rachel Ballard says
Love me some Lowes – bathroom closest. Help!
Marcia L. says
Love me some Lowes
My office needs help!
Rosemary says
Love some lowes!
I’d do it in my hallway, living room, and kitchen… Paint them I mean. Ehm.
Ps. Love your new desk space.
Kristen says
Love me some Lowes!
I would do the same and organize the area in the kitchen that has become the official drop zone of mail, cards, magazines, to-do lists, napkins, etc. Thanks!
Courtney says
Love me some Lowes! Definitely need some pantry intervention!
Meagan Snow says
Love me some Lowes.
My closet desperately needs organizing (or maybe I should just actually hang up clothes after I do laundry instead of piling them sort of in the closet…might help). Also my desk – which I have literally never sat at…basically its a place to pile junk.
Claire says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need to organize and rearrange our bedroom [we have this bizarre open closet in the room right now, and it looks as though we’re having a permanent, indoor garage sale!] clothes situation.
Also, excellent job on your kitchen desk. Super inspiring!
Mary says
Love me some Lowes!
And yeah, I pretty much need to organize everything in the house. I did finally get our DVD collection under control, but clothing storage, bathroom storage, kitchen storage… yeah. They definitely need some attention.
Love the new desk area, btw. Super cute!
Jessica F. says
Love me some Lowes
I would love to organize our third bedroom. It currently has all sorts of junk in there, but I’d like to turn it into an office/workout room. Let’s just say my treadmill is stacked with lots of papers…
Lindsay M says
Love me some Lowes!!
I wanna do it it my office closet!
Melissa says
love me some lowes! My ‘command center’ needs some help
Mindy says
Love me some Lowes! We have a bar-type thing in the kitchen that is the catch-all and it has open shelves that are just piled full of stuff. I would love to add some pretty baskets/containers and maybe put some shelves on the wall above it to display some pretties! 😀
Suz McA says
I have several bookshelves in my office that need some major organization. Luckily – the worst culprit (the one where my dental student hubby drops everything when he comes home) is hidden when the door is open to the office (which is always) so I’ve neglected it – that is until I need to get back there and pull something off my shelf. Disaster, I tell you. I think a few pretty bins for all the random stuff that sits on the shelves would do the trick, and maybe some floating shelves above the shorter book shelf would add some decorative flair!
Jenn Getts says
i would totally do in my bedroom…organize my desk that is 😉
we have a desk in our bedroom that has become the catchall for ‘stuff’ we don’t know what to do with!!!
thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!!
Katie says
Love me some Lowes!
We have been in the organizing mood this month too! The place that still needs alot of help is also our desk area. We need boxes and magazine files to unify the space!!
PS— love the blog, you have great ideas!
Suz McA says
oops… forgot the most important part… “LOVE ME SOME LOWES!”
Paul says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d use it to help organize our office supplies, as our office has to combine into another room since the current office will become the nursery for our first child come July!
kristin says
Love me some Lowes! I’d do it on my kitchen. Pots and pans are so hard to organize
Rhey says
Love me some Lowes!
My desk needs major help…like dismantling and replacement with a wardrobe. That would be much more practical and one less horizontal surface to catch clutter.
Whitney says
Love me some Lowes!
We live in a tiny 2 bedroom 1 bath duplex and our second bedroom does triple duty as guest room, office, and music room. I would love to be able to organize that space in our tiny home!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowes!
And of course I want to “do it” in the guest bedroom. I have yet to “do it” in there 😉
Erica says
Love me some Lowe’s…
I’m in the midst of turning my very deep guest bedroom closet into a craft area, this would be very helpful with my low budget plan…
One of my favorite post so far, we all have that “catch all” area and needed a little inspriation.
P.S- if I win I would love to show Lowe’s what I did with it!
Jen B. says
Love me some Lowes!
Our kitchen desk and master bedroom closets are both in need of organization!
Victoria says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Seriously…I love that place. And I love the Lowe’s Creative Ideas magazine. I look at the new ideas all the time.
The area I would love to organize is, our whole house? My fiance and I both lived on our own before getting engaged and I moved in with him almost 2 years ago. We still have boxes sitting around, doubles of most kitchen items, and an office/desk area that you can barely see under all the junk in that room. Oh Lowe’s, help a girl out!
Lisa @ The Splattered Apron says
My mom also has a lot of love for all things elephant. It’s starting to creep into my daughter’s growing collection too! I love me some Lowes. We have a large bedroom that we need to split to be our office too so I would start there will organization.
Kristy says
Love me some Lowes!
My husband and I just moved into a new apartment a couple of months ago, so right now everything needs some help! But we’re prioritizing our office right now, since it’s basically a junk room at the moment and not really conducive to getting work done.
Taylor says
Love me some Lowes
Would totally do it in our laundry room!!
Kristen says
Love me some Lowes. I could really use this to organize our office. It is in terrible shape.
Emily S says
Love me some Lowes!
My kitchen table looks strangely similar to your desk. 🙂 It could use some attention too!
Leah says
Love me some Lowes. My new laundry area, which has stalled, is desperately in need of some organization.
Shawna says
Love me some Lowe’s! I need to do it in so many places in my house 🙂 But if I had to pick the biggest eyesore, it’s our garage.
suzanne says
Love me some Lowes!
Would love to organize our office area. Need some shelving and boxes like you bought. Love the color choices, by the way!
Ben says
Love me some Lowes!
Our basement is a hot mess right now. Granted it’s a big, dry, full of light hot mess, but it desperately needs organization so that the kids aren’t playing in and around my tools and paint and climbing our precariously stacked bin towers (though it’s understandable cause it totally looks like a fun idea in theory.)
Lindsey says
Love me some Lowes!
Our kitchen desk area needs some major love like yours!
Missie says
Love me some lowe’s…in my closet…or my garage. Or really anywhere in my house. Do the rent professional organizers at lowe’s?
Joy says
Love me some Lowes! I would organize my guest closets!
Nancy says
Love me some Lowe’s!!! I’d love to organize the bill-paying corner of my kitchen. Your makeover turned out great!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes!
My office/craft room is in desperate need of some Lowes lovin’.
Danielle says
Love me some Lowes!
Would love to organize our master closet. Who knew getting dressed could be such a chore?!
Emily says
Love me some Lowes! I think I’d use it for our office/toy room- the toys are slowly oozing out into the kitchen, living room, etc and I can’t take it anymore!
Love your desk makeover- looks great!!
Sara says
Love me some Lowes
S.D. says
Love me some Lowes – my desk needs some organization, too!
Eunice says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to reorganize the new play room!
Austin says
”Love me some Lowes”
I fantasize about doing it in… closet.
Amanda R. says
Love me some Lowes! I really really need to fix our office! It has become the catch all room and I need to figure out how to organize all my crafting materials.
Your desk makeover looks amazing- I love the mix of textures and the vertical interest with the shelves and light!
Sarah F says
Love me some Lowes!
I think it’s a toss-up between my own desk where I put random papers & objects to disappear, and our bedroom’s open floor space where purgatory laundry lives. (You know, the stuff that’s been worn but it’s not dirty enough to need washing? It ends up on the ground and then the dust bunnies attack and eventually it does need washing before the next wear. So frustrating!)
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes!
We’re currently painting my office and I’m dreading the day when the junk returns to that room and hides the wonderful work we put into it. I desperately need shelving and organization in there!
Kelly T says
Love me some Lowes! I’m a piler/keeper, my husband is not. It is a point of contention. I’d love to get help organizing our kitchen piles, a.k.a. bills/mail/magazines/coupons/school art/calendar/menu planning/photos, etc. Lowes to the rescue!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes! I need to organize my office!
Julie @Savvy Eats says
Love me some Lowes
I need to finish organizing my office/crafting space like whoa!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowes! I’d love to organize my closets. We live in an old house and the closets are teeny tiny so I know some good organization would really help utilize the space better.
Kim B says
Love me some Lowes! I would organize shoes, scarves, etc in my closet.
Amy Wolff says
Love Me Some Lowes
I would like to organize my daughter’s closests……
Lisa says
Love me some Lowes!
My kids art supplies are spilling out onto every surface of my house. I need help in a BIG way!
Carrie says
Love me some Lowes!
I’m pretty good at keeping the house organized…our four year old’s toys all have their place on shelves in the living room (and now he’s old enough to help put them away!) and I just spent a couple of weekends organizing and purging my sewing/craft room in the attic, so I should feel this sense of accomplishment. However every time I walk into the house (through our kitchen door) I want to cry. It is a disaster! Between all the papers that get sent home daily from pre-schoool, mail and not enough cabinet/countertop space for small appliances (crock pot, toaster, etc) it is a mess. I keep trying to organize, but with a budget of $0 my solutions are limited to what we have on hand (and they clearly aren’t working)!
Lisa says
Love me some Lowes!
Great work Katie! I need help organizing a too small entry way closet that needs to pull double duty as a coat closet and all around junk hoarder. Help!
Ashley C says
Love me some Lowes!
This post is very timely, as I was planning this week how to reorganize our master bedroom closet. Its a very overwhelming thought, but I’m glad you were able to tackle your desk.
Katie says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Definitely the sewing room/office. Hubs is having to fight through the fabric explosion.
Cate says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize the laundry room!
Colleen C. says
Love me some Lowes…my closet desperately needs some organization. It’s crammed to the gills with clothes and I can’t find anything!…love love love what you did with your desk…adorable!
Megan says
Love me some Lowes!
Both my closet and laundry room need some serious help. It is a tough choice to choose where to start!
Maria says
”Love me some Lowes” Home office/craft room needs some help!
Lori Winnie says
Love me some Lowes! I would also use the gc to organize my home office…I think mine is worse than yours was!
Sunny says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I’d do it on either the kitchen table and bar which collect all the mail or our ‘desk’ upstairs, which once we finally move the mail off the kitchen table goes to the desk 😉
stacy says
LOVE me some Lowes! My laundry room is a horrible hot mess. We enter our house through the laundry room and it has become our dumping ground for everything IN ADDITION to all of the normal laundry hot mess. Your desk is super cute!
Stephanie C. says
Love me some Lowes!
The closet in my office and my basement are in need of organization!
Jessica says
Love me some lowes!
We are moving this month so… I know the new place will need a lot of organization!
Melody says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Our next area to tackle is the garage.
Kim says
Love me some Lowes!
Where don’t I want to organize? I went through this crazy nesting organization phase right before I had my daughter… and now that she’s nearly a year old, its like junk just vomited all over our house. I’d really like to tackle our basement again (we have a very small basement that acts as our laundry room, storage and office).
Christa says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I desperately need to organize my basement! We have plenty of space but no shelving so everything is just piled everywhere, it needs some love!
Sandy says
Meeeeep! Katie, that looks AMAZEBALLS!! Love it, and love me some Lowe’s. I desperately need to do something similar in our extra bedroom/”office”…aka the place I just throw all the junk we don’t know what to do with. You’re an inspiration!!
Bethany says
Love me some Lowes
I want to do it in the closet…Yeah, my baby’s closet needs some serious organization!
Lauren says
Love me some Lowes!
Our coat closet has become our go-to place to stuff things that have no where else to go. It is in major need of organizing.
Heather L says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our laundry/mudroom or our home office. It’s a toss up!
Sarah R says
Love me some Lowe’s! I need to organize my bathroom vanity…and my desk…and my foyer table. Pick me!
Lindsay says
Love me some Lowes!!!
I am designing an office in my basement, this would be an awesome way to jumpstart my organization!
Alicia says
We recently moved so I’m in deep need of organizing our new office! We didn’t have an office before so now it’s mostly a junk room with a desk. $100 would go a long way!
Lianne says
Love me some Lowes! Our guest bathroom — or the dumping ground (no pun intended!) for all the crummy shampoos as it is currently known — is in desperate need of a makeover!
MelissaG. says
Love me some Lowes!
I seriously need to organize my kids homeschool area!
Deanna Hunt says
Love me some Lowes!! Bill paying/desk area needs some major intervention!!!
abby says
Love me some lowes!!
i’d organize our laundry room!!
Ellen says
Love me some Lowes
My shoe closet! (Yes, I have an entire closet devoted just to my shoes…and it could use some help)
Melissa says
Love me some Lowes!!
I’ve got a crafting nook that needs some serious help!
Jennifer says
LOVE me some Lowe’s!!!! I really do too! I would love to organize my office. I work from home and it’s a complete disaster…unorganized means unproductive.
Ashley L. says
Love me some Lowes!! I desperately need to organize my office/craft room! ps…your desk space looks awesome – great job!
Jessie says
Love Me Some Lowe’s!
Living overseas we have ZERO closet/cabinet/storage space, so our office is a bit of a disaster. $100 and APO shipping could be a big help!
Elizabeth L says
Love me some Lowe’s especially in my game room!! Right now it has nothing but a ping pong table in it..lots on the to do list for it though!! Thinking big square frames on the walls to put the paddles, a chalkboard scoreboard, and game rules!! That gift card would go a long way towards helping me out on it!!
Kim says
Love me some Lowes!
I would finish organizing my newly moved office. And get rid of all the left behind stuff in the old office!!
Trish H. says
Love me some Lowes!
My room that looks like Home Goods puked on the floor needs help (this would be my accessories dumping ground/craft/office/guest room). It’s bad. Real bad!
Elizabeth says
Love me some Lowes
Right now baby’s closet needs some organization. It’s completely empty! No hanging rod, no shelves…
Elise says
Love me some Lowes! Our office closet is a disaster zone – that’s my next project!
Julie in TX says
I love me some Lowes! I would love to tackle our laundry room – we could use some shelving and organization in there.
Katie says
Love me some Lowes! I would have to organize my desk area as well… half the time I can’t even get to my laptop!
Betsy says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to re-organize the closet in our master bedroom.
joy says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I too need a desk intervention. I have a computer desk with no storage at all! Some cool shelving and storage would go a long way to help me organize it! 🙂
Ashley says
Love me some lowes…. my closet it at the top of my list! Along with my entertainment center, kitchen cabinets, desk, and dresser… 🙂
DonnaVDL says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to organize my laundry area better. Make is a more joyful place to want to visit. LOL!
Debbie says
Love me some Lowes! My desk is calling for some organization!
shannon says
love me some lowes!
Kristen @ Popcorn on the Stove says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our second bedroom. No matter what we do, it’s still a disaster!
PS – the desk looks amazing! I love that clock.
Kathy PH in LH says
I need help with my desk/office area too … and you did an AMAZING job with yours Katie! Nice, nice job!!
Dana Beth says
i love me some lowes. my laundry room. its a sad state of affairs in there right now and it could totally use some love.
sara @ it's good to be queen says
Love me some Lowes!! i really really do. that is my favorite favorite home improvement store. i think a desk in the kitchen in perfection. love your light fixture switch-out. huge improvement. 🙂 i need major organization in our bedroom and master closet.
Tina says
Love me some Lowes
I’d love to work on our home office…oh, does it need a lot of work!
Amber says
Love me some Lowes!
I’m dying to do it in the laundry room. It’s our catchall for miscellaneous stuff that we don’t know what to do with.
haley says
Love me some Lowes!!
I would buy a shower liner system for my bathroom remodel!! Maybe some tile, too!
Kyra says
Love me some lowes! I want to do it in the kitchen. Need some pull out racks and such…
kyla says
Love me some Lowes!
My dressing area is out of control, and the rest of out closests could use some love!!
Miriam says
Love me some Lowes!
Organization is my goal, too! I need to tackle the mess that is my linen closet!
Angie says
Love me some Lowes!!! I’ve been in my house for over a year and still need to do soooo much.
Lisa says
Love me some Lowes!
No idea what I would work on- probably fix the faucet in the kitchen. The handle comes off if you don’t turn it on just so… but the list of to dos is a mile long!
jen says
love me some lowes!
I would love some help with my craft area!
Taylor says
Love me some lowes!!!! I need to do it in my office.
Lauren says
Leave me some Lowes!
I have a bookcase in the kitchen that serves as our “desk,” and no matter how many times I organize it, it always becomes a dumping spot for papers and little things. That’s where I would focus on!
Katie says
Love me some Lowe’s.
Goodness we could use some organization in the bathroom. Just a mis-mosh of cleaners, ancient soaps, and retired hair dryers under those cabinets. Some shelves would certainly help and add more height!
Laura says
Love me some lowes!!!!
Our garage needs some major organization!!
Heather says
love me some lowes!
I must organize the garage! Its a literal labyrinth in there (without the hot big-haired David Bowie at the end…..child of the 80’s here=)
This would get me started! fingers crossed!
Linda says
My desk (in the family room) looks very similar to your before shots. I NEED some organization in there!!
Michelle says
Love me some Lowes!
I have a catch-all closet that’s screaming for some organization!
Christine says
Love me some Lowes! Our upstairs hall closet is where everything gets dumped. It needs help!
Kathy says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need to organize the closet under the stairs it is busting with kids crafts, my crafts and is the official company is coming stick it in there place.
Ashleigh says
Love me some lowes! I have so many things that need to be organized in preparation for a baby, but I would probably use the gift card to get cute baskets and what not to organize the baby’s room! Thanks for the giveaway, and I love your blog!
Sonia says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our basement. It’s a big room that currently houses a home office and play area but mainly serves as a big storage room.
Jenni R says
Love me some lowes!
Need some organization on the island in my kitchen. It seems to be the catch all and if I can’t change that (probably never will), it could at least be organized and pretty!
nina says
Love me some Lowes.. it would be great to finally tackle organizing my holiday decor and such 🙂
Jennifer says
Love me some lowes!
Wow.. need organization everywhere! I’d start with the sewing room!
Erica says
We just added some cabinets and storage to our laundry room, but now it needs to be organized!!
Awesome job on the desk Katie. I love those storage boxes!!!
Leslie says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office needs major organization help!
Stacy L. says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I’m in desperate need of organizing my sewing supplies. I just got a sewing machine, and have done a few projects – and now the scraps and spools of thread, etc, are piling up!
Zach says
Love me some lowes! The garage… the garage! The garage needs help!
Kelly says
Love me some Lowe’s….I need to organize my office cabinets and holiday decor closet.
Andrea Masterson says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I would love to get my home office organized!!
Kristy Hartzell says
“Love me some Lowes”
I want to do it on my entryway. My entryway is in serious need of a makeover. With three kids dumping stuff it can become quite a disaster area.
Laura L. says
Love me some Lowe’s! My husband and I are expecting our first child in August and I know we’ll need some organization “stuff” as we shift rooms around!
suzanne says
Love me some Lowes!
The basement, man alive-does it need some serious work.
Like the Genie in Aladdin your desk looks like it’s got some phenomenal cosmic power.
Nicole @ Post Grad says
Love me some Lowes!
I’m in desperate need of a complete overhaul in my walk-in-closet. It’s a disaster.
Leah says
LOVE me some Lowe’s! I need to do a desk reorganization myself…saving for the redo!
LM says
Love me some Lowes!!
No kidding. We are in the midst of a remodel for the short sale house we bought a few months ago and we go into Lowes every day (sometimes 2 or 3 times a day). I would love to tackle the main floor bathroom next and need to get lots of baskets and organization drawer thingys for the new vanity we’ll have to get, shelves for an empty wall, and a nice cabinet for the lonesome wall near the toilet. Lots to do!
Jenna says
Love me some Lowe’s! Our guest bedroom/office/hoarders nest could use a nice clean out.
Tina says
Love me some Lowes!
Oh, where do I start? My kids closet? The living room would be nice to get some things done (I need to find something to hang on a now empty wall + a book shelf there would be nice). Or our bathroom, it needs some sprucing up, like new paint.
Kelley says
Love me some Lowes! We have a 1 year old, and the toys have taken over! Would love to do something similar to the toy box you made!
Kelly says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I desperatley need to organize our office!
Kindra Taylor says
Love me some Lowes! I desperately need to organize my sunroom. We don’t have many closets, so everything just ends up in there.
Alison says
Love me some Lowes!
Your desk area looks great! Must be refreshing to look at it now. I love organizing. But one project that needs an overhaul is my husbands closet. 😉
Whitney Dudzik says
Love me some Lowes
I need to organize our kitchen! I can never find anything, so I go buy more and end up having duplicates of everything. I seriously hate kitchen cabinets.
Lacey says
Love me some Lowes! My son’s play area is getting out of hand.
Marjorie H. says
Love me some Lowe’s!
We need to organize basically our whole kitchen, but if I had to choose it would be some organizational shelves for our cabinets.
Amanda M. says
Love Me Some Lowes!
Oh Kitchen or office organization is much needed in this house! Pick me!
Lee says
Love me some Lowes!
My family room needs a ton of organization! Toys everywhere to corral. Doo-dads and knick-knacks everywhere too. Ugh.
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!!
heather s. says
Love me some Lowes! Sorry, I don’t have time to read the comments but did you get those boxes at Lowes as well or are they from another source?
I noticed you added knobs to just that section of cabinets – I’m assuming you’ll add the same knobs to the rest of the kitchen. Is that right?
Jenn says
Love me some Lowes! My laundry needs help in the worst way. We just moved into the house and there are no shelves or cabinets in there so everything is on top of the washer and dryer.
Avigail says
Love me some Lowes! I desperately need to organize my spare room. Everything from gift wrap to old magazines.
Jamie says
Love me some Lowes!! Our office/craft room is an absolute mess. I would love to get it organized
Keegan says
Love me some Lowes!
One of our spare bedrooms/office/library/my closet has become ridiculous! It is definitely time for some organization!
maggie says
love me some lowes! i would loooove to organize my pantry, pinterest has so many inspiring ideas.
Amber says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d do it on our kitchen table…or our bathroom closet…or our laundry room.
Wait we are still talking about organizing right? 😉
Emily says
Love me some Lowes!
Can I say “my whole house!”? Because it needs it. But instead, I’ll say the master br. I’ve worked hard on all the other areas of the house, but neglected the master. It shouldn’t be that way!
Steve R says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d love to do it in my home office. (organize that is)
Christine G. says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need to organize my basement family room. Right now it is the catch-all for everything that doesn’t have a home. Scary!
Aaron says
Love me some Lowes!
Our basement is out of control, it is beyond in need of organization!
Jackie says
Love me some Lowes.
UGHHHH, it has to be at least one closet. they all need it, but i dont think i can commit to all of them. one at a time.
jeanna says
love me some lowes!! my upstairs loft which is exploding with un-opened wedding gifts and other wedding leftovers/crafts/junk from when i got married… in july… whoops!
AJ says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office is ridiculous, it needs some major organization!
Victoria C says
Love Me Some Lowes!
My garage is a scary cluttered place that I cringe at every time I go there. Its definitely our dirty little secret as the house itself is neat and mostly organized.
morgan says
Love me some Lowes! My whole house totally needs this…but to narrow it down, I’d either use it towards organizing our home office area or our kitchen counters.
Amanda says
Oh, I need some help organizing with a new baby in the house!
Angie G. says
Love me some Lowes!
Our garage could really use some help! Thanks for the chance to win!
erin c. says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to organize my closet! My husband is so messy and I need some easy storage for all of his stuff!
Dani S says
Love me some Lowes!! My closet is screaming for organization!
Melissa Irvin says
Love me some Lowe’s! What an incredible difference in your desk and microwave areas!!
I would like to re-organize my office! It is one big stack of papers and other crap. I hate it.
Sarah G says
Love me some Lowes!
Sadly, our office needs a lot of attention in the organization department. But I think I would rather splurge and makeover my sewing room or laundry room – both could use shelving and I spend more time there than the office.
Jen J says
Love me some Lowes!
My craft room could use some more organization.
Kaye says
Love me some Lowes!
Our basement is in a sad state. It has become the drop area for anything that doesn’t belong on the top two floors and it has gotten out of control, I would love to take the time to organize it!
Val M says
Love me some Lowes
I would love to win the gift card to organize my basement. Purchas some shelving to install and get rid of the clutter.
Cristina P from MD says
Love me some Lowes
My laundry room needs help!
Laurie says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I’d love to do it in the closet!!
Sharon H says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! Our home office has been screaming “Organize Me Please!” for over a year now. We need help from Lowes for sure!
Hilda says
Love me some Lowes!!
I would love to organize my guest bedroom. We moved into our house five years ago, and it has mainly been our junk room: old furniture, massive amounts of baby clothes, tools…you name it, it’s there somewhere. I would love to organize it and be able to see the floor!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes!!
The biggest area that needs some much needed organization is our laundry room/mud room. There is an awkward nook that we just throw everything in there from large cooking appliances to our tools.
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes! I need to get my desk organized. It has become the dumping ground for everything since we moved it to our main living room so I can work and hang with the kiddo at the same time. Where did the little ellie come from by the pictures? I love him! I have had an elephant collection since I was a kid and am always looking to add. Your desk looks great!
April says
Love Me Some Lowes! I would absolutely love to organize my Master Bath. There is currently no decent storage in there, so everything is a huge mess under the sink and I would love love love to get it all organized with the help of Lowes.
Victoria C says
Love Me Some Lowes!
Our garage is a scary cluttered mess that I am overwhelmed with. Its our dirty little secret as the house is neat and mostly organized.
Katie V. says
Love me some Lowes! My laundry room needs some help but also my desk area (which is in the dining room) and also all the office stuff which is in a cabinet in the kitchen but totally not organized. I need some serious help. 😉
Kathleen says
Love me some Lowes
Your new space looks fantastic! I would love to do my closet.
Ashley @ Lewis in Love says
Love me some Lowes!!!!!
My closet is the hot mess that needs to be organized. It always looks like bomb hit it, no matter what I do!
whitkae says
Love me some Lowes….
I would want to do it in my closet, or in my pantry, or the spare room, or the living room. Heck, I would probably even do it in the garage. Wait, you didn’t say we actually need to pick just one place right? I like to keep my options open 😉
Nikki says
Love me some Lowes! Especially since my hubby works there 🙂 I would use the $100 to organize either our bedroom closet or the kids’ closet.
Katie B. says
Ooh, we are in the process of buying a house and this would come in verrry handy for many projects!! Love me some Lowes 🙂
Laura says
Love me some Lowe’s. Our bedside tables need some HELP!! Clutter galore!!
Raylan says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My closet is in desperate need of some. It hasn’t gotten any in a while…..organization, that is.
Kelly M says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! Our current office/dumping-ground-for-everything-we-haven’t-put-up-yet room. It needs some serious help!
Michelle says
My whole house needs some organization! I broke our house up into 6 sections and am forcing myself to tackle a section each week for 6 weeks until I am done. Then I am having a mega garage sale to get it all out of my house!
Kate says
Love me some Lowes!!!
My closet is in need of organizing!!! Too many clothes and shoes and no where to put them!
Michelle says
”Love me some Lowes”
I just moved into a new apartment and the second bedroom/office has become the storage room. Needed organization yesterday 😉
Carrie says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I would love to get some pull-outs to organize my pots and pans in my kitchen cabinets!
Your desk looks great!
Morgan S. says
Love me some lowes!
I need major help getting my closet in shape.
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office is a disaster, and I haven’t yet found the motivation or the money to tackle it.
Allison says
Love me some LOWES!!! I want to organize my desk/craft area in the basement. It is a disaster zone!
Nicole says
Love me some Lowes!
Your desk looks GREAT! I love how you have so many little storage compartments, and the perfect amount of color! I would love to get my basement organized. It’s currently the dumping ground for all things unwanted elsewhere in the house, and I dread going down there. This might be just the motivation I need to get crackin!
Nicole O says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I totally need to organize our desk are and our cloests
Love from the south!
Roll Tide Roll!!!!
Chrissy says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our hall/bathroom closet. We live in a small, one story bungalow with very little storage space and I’d love to maximize what’s available in that closet. I already have it sketched out in Illustrator, just saving up for what we need now.
Amanda B says
Love me some LOWES! I’d love to organize our wet bar. We don’t drink much so the counter has become a dumping ground for everything we don’t have another place for.
Ruth says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to give that giftcard to my parents so that they can figure out the basement situation. It’s a mess down there!
Heather says
Love Me Some Lowes!
My entertainment area is in great need of organization! Our TV is sitting on a old chest, all the other electronics are on the floor, wires everywhere! It is such and eye sore! I need some help!
Christen L says
That outdoor light looks great!! Love it. And btw, your ikea plant looks just like mine… sad and thirsty. 😉 lol
Anita says
Love me some Lowes. It’s the only DIY place to shop!
My desk in the kitchen needs a support group. It is a pleaser and lets everyone take advantage of its lovely, hidden, flat surface.
I would love to intervene with help from Lowes.
Thank you.
Lizette says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize some closets in our house, mainly our living room closet. It is a disaster. Also, I can’t stop staring at that sweet little picture of Will on your desk. What a sweet little boy! Annnnnd, your desk looks lovely!
vanessa says
LOVE me some lowes!!!!
if i could do it anywhere… would have to be in my laundry room/pantry.
it needs some massive help!! i kinda sorta started with some dollar store bins to separate the food, but there’s just so much JUNK in there. and it’s all mostly above the washing machine/dryer. it’s a hot mess!!
Veronica says
Love me some Lowes! We are in the process of putting together our nursery for our daughter expected to arrive early June so I would use it in there to help organize all of the baby stuff.
Kristen says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES!! I need to desperately organize the guest bedroom like woah!
Lisa says
Love me some Lowes!
My kitchen desk area looks just about like yours. It could use some serious help!
Jenna B says
Hubs and I walk into the back door of our new-to-us-but-100-year-old-house with mail, packages, shopping bags – you name it – and it end up on the dining room table. I would much prefer that table be used to eat meals together, and the pile o’crap doesn’t really facilitate great dinnertime conversation. I want to build a desk/buffet area in our dining room. Actually, to be honest, I want Hubs to build me a desk/buffet area and I want to paint and decorate it.
Thanks for the inspiration!!!
June says
Love me some Lowes!
I am currently decluttering and organizing my whole house, but I plan on redoing my kids’ rooms in the next few months so getting some organizational stuff for their rooms would be great!
Christen L says
I don’t know how I missed the give away. Blonde moment.
Love me some Lowes!! Is it weird to say I want to do it in the closet? My clothes, scarves, purses, etc are in desperate need of some closet organization.
Kacey says
Love me some Lowes! We really need to organize our laundry room!
Joanna says
Love me some Lowes!
Our master closet needs a total overhaul!
Desiree says
Love me some Lowes! Our house is small – and with a small house comes even less area to store things…like the mail. Our kitchen counter, office desk, kitchen table, etc, is often the home to heaps of clutter…which I hate. So, this money would go towards organizing our random everday papers…making a spot for it that looks good.
Sara says
”Love me some Lowes” I would like to reorganize my closet, or bathroom cabinets, or maybe my kitchen. I just can not decide on one area.
Karen says
Love me some Lowes! I’m currently trying to organize my unfinished basement and carve out a pretty project area in the process.
Organizing is exhausting!!
Jonelle says
Love me some Lowes!
The office portion of our office/nursery is in desperate need of some love, attention, and organization! I need to re-finish a bookcase that’s been halfway done for almost 3 years so that I can add it to the room and have somewhere to put all of my books!
Naomi S says
Love me some Lowes
Like you, I’d organize my kitchen counter/desk area.
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes! Great job on the desk! I’d like to organize my basement, AGAIN. It’s only been 3 months and it looks like a drywall hurricane came through. Part of that includes having another baby, so I can get rid of the baby stuff I’ve been saving for 3 years. Don’t think Lowes can help with that last bit 🙂
Kristen says
Love me some Lowes!
I would work on the front hall closet. I would like paint in there, add different shelves and get a six cubie storage unit with boxes for each family member for hats/scarves/mittens/etc
adina says
Love me some Lowes!!
I need to clean up my own desk area!
Kylie says
Love me some Lowes!
Our “storage room” is a disaster. It’s the perfect example of what happens when you combine two people’s things into one house. All of my boyfriend’s “bachelor stuff” is in there–Corona signs, hideous furniture etc. I’d love to organize it so it could function as a room instead of somewhere to hide stuff..
kristy says
Love me some lowes!
My storage building needs some help! No shelves or hooks so everything is on the floor. Between some bikes and a lawnmower, it’s full because we have some wasted valuable space off the floor. I know Lowe’s could help me out 🙂
Laura says
Love me some Lowes! Oh my dear closet needs an overhaul! H E L P
Nicole says
Love me some Lowes!!!!
My ENTIRE house needs organization! Every room is full of partially finished projects. I need some moolah for inspiration!
Katelin says
Love me sone Lowes!!!!
I would love to update my bathroom.
Kristen says
I have a counter between my living room/dining room that needs some serious love… kind of like your desk!
Sandi says
Love me some Lowes!
We have a coat closet that hasn’t been opened since moving in our house almost 2 1/2 years ago. I have no clue what to do with it but thinking taking the door off and leaving it open with hooks to hang things, shoe storage, and using it our main organization for our personal things that usually get left around the house!
By the way, I LOVE your desk and all the design features you added!
Marcy says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office bookshelves need some serious attention!
Bridgette says
Love me some Lowes! And love me some organizing too! I need to tackle that beast of a garage.
Tori says
Love me some Lowes
I REALLY need to tackle my kitchen. I have too many gadgets, and my pantry needs better shelving.
Susie says
Love me some Lowes. I have a bedroom that’s become a junk-filled
storage room that needs to become a guest room pronto for guest who’s staying three months.
Chrissy says
Love me some Lowes!
My computer desk. Ouch. I can’t even tell what color it is anymore and since it’s in our main room, it’s an eyesore for all to see. It greets you when you come in the front door, back door, or garage door. Front and center and messy. Thanks for the giveaway!
Christina says
Love me some Lowes!
All of our closets, but especially the one in our bedroom, need some serious organization.
Melissa P. says
“Love me some Lowes”
My home office/art space closet needs a serious makeover.
There is one small wire shelf in there. Enough said. 🙂
Kirsten says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my kitchen area, drawers, etc,… huge mess!
Erin says
Love me some Lowes!!!
The hubby and I just bought a new (old) house…our first! The laundry nook is in desperate need of some organization attention!
Love the finished look of your desk…very functional but stylish and put together at the same time. Great job!
Michelle says
Love me some lowes! I need to organize the bar in my kitchen. It is a dumping ground!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowes!
I really want to tackle my linen closet. It definitely needs some cute bins and a new door!
Katelin says
Love me some Lowes!!!
I would love to update my bathroom.
emily @ go haus go says
Before I go shouting out my contest entry lingo…. THAT IS THE BEST DESK MAKEOVER EVER. You’ve got SKILLZ when it comes to styling. Holy crap. I’m pinning away….
Now… LOVE ME SOME LOWE’S! I would be tackling my closet. It is a terrible, terrible mess.
T.D. says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to do it for my paperwork. I have about 5 years of papers to sort through. Yes, 5 maybe 6. I used to be really good at it I swear!
Tammy says
Love me some Lowes!
Just like you guys, my desk area needs some serious organization and some more shelves!
Joy Cooper says
Love me some Lowes. I am redoing our formal living room to be an office, it needs much help!
Melissa M. says
Love the Transformation! Love me some Lowe’s also. I would also need to do some work on the desk area in our house. It’s a dumping ground for everything.
Colleen says
Our “middle room” on the second floor is a catchall for everything without a home… it could definitely use some organization!
Jennifer says
Love me some Lowes! I would organize my office
Karen Lachapelle says
Love me some Lowes! I want to do it under my kitchen sink. It’s where cleaning supplies, garbage bags, lightbulbs and other random stuff gets tossed. I think it’s about to explode!
Anakah Harrison says
Love me some Lowes! I would do the exact same thing- organize my desk. But unlike you, my desk space resides in my bedroom so I need some major zen action in that disorganized mess.
Anne says
LovE me some lowes!
I need help with my kitchen desk also! It’s the catch all for our life right now.
Jennie D says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d love to do it to my entire house! But I guess I could probably start with the little piles of clutter that have accumulated throughout my living room. Love (and hate) organizing! 🙂
Lisa @ Floating Along... says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I desperately need to organize my laundry/extra storage room – also know as, our catch-all junk and miscellaneous room where we throw crap that doesn’t have a spot. It’s at the back of our house so I avoid it at all costs! Help!
Natasha says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! I want to do it in the garage! I clean/well-organized garage makes me just as happy, maybe even more happy, than a clean/well-organized house 🙂
Martha says
My closet is a wreck! I recently bought storage shelves for the linen closet, and now every time I look at my clothes closet I want to run and hide! I could really use some shoe racks and more hooks to hang stuff up!
Stacey says
Love me some Lowes, and omg I seriously need to do it in our formal dining room, which also doubles as my office! Ack! I am dreaming of building a window seat for deep storage (and so I can hide away my ugly printers, shredder, etc.) and then doing a wall of glass fronted bookshelves for books and my antique china. This is, after all, supposed to be both an office and dining room….and right now it’s a hot mess!! help help!
Stefanie D. says
love me so lowes… room
Sarah says
”Love me some Lowes”
I need to organize my desk as well to hide all the madness.
Wakefield says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my basement. Yes, I am lucky enough to have one. Right now it stores all my “extra” house goods.
Amy @ this DIY life says
Love me some Lowes (because they support our military). My current organization project is my creative space…and my closet…and my dining room…and my storage room…and…and…and. My creative space is first on the list though (I think):
Kimberly says
Love me some Lowes!
This is going to sound terrible. But, I’m going to say it anyway: I would “do it” in my girls’ room. Particularly their closet. They need some serious toy holsters.
Heidi says
My dressing room is a wreck right now and so is my kitchen storage area. I definitely need to re-organize!
Megan says
Love me some Lowes!
Our basement and laundry room are in desperate need of some organization!
Andy says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize the closet in our master bedroom. We need some more shelving for all of my wife’s clothes and shoes!
Amy M says
Love me some Lowes!
My bedroom is a disaster, my husband is on a buying frenzy with his hobbies and then just leaves it on our bedroom floor.
Tiffany E. says
Love me some Lowes! My kitchen island needs help. It’s made of cubbies, but we don’t have boxes in all the cubbies, so the puppy pulls out gloves and magazines and has “fun”. Plus the top gets cleared off every Sunday, but by Monday night, it’s crazy again. Any ideas for keeping a clean space clean?
Megan says
Love me some Lowes!
I would organize my husband’s “office.” It’s just a small little area off of our living room, in our teeny tiny apartment, that is now so cluttered it is spilling out into other parts of the apartment. I get annoyed just thinking about it!
Emiles says
Love me some Lowe’s!!!!
I NEED this. I clutter our kitchen table up like that every week. Evvvvvvv. errrrrrrrr. rrrrrrry. one. I have no toddlers to be swallowed. But I do have a very frustrated husband every week. And you know what happens? It SOMEtimes gets cleaned. And by that I mean, SOME of it gets taken care, of the rest? Stacked somewhere. Or stashed (as in, I just found the remainder of our Cmas cards under the couch.) Help.
K Taylor says
Love me some Lowes!! Our half bath is straight out of 1988, so many things need to be done to make it better.
Kara says
Love me some Lowes
We need to organize our basement – and if you think your desk looked bad, it ain’t nuthin’ compared to our hole of a basement.
Danyl H says
Love me some Lowes! My laundry room needs major organizational help. It’s where we stick everything that doesn’t have a place- holiday decorations, tools, my baby’s bassinet, office files, memorabilia, you know it. Plus, it houses our water heater and furnace. It needs major help!
Beth R says
Love me some Lowes!
We’re moving into a new house soon, so there are many projects. However, we’ll have to adjust to the difference between our giant closet at our current place to less than half the closet space – that’s going to call for some MAJOR closet organization!
Kaitlyn says
Love me some Lowes!
Our entire home office space is a mess! And our basement. And our laundry area. And our closets… oh boy.
Maura B says
Love me some Lowes!
Your space looks fantastic! My kitchen is in dire need of some attention. We have very limited cabinet space and no pantry in our 1927 home, so I’d love to add some additional open shelving and get all of my dishes organized! And maybe some in-cabinet organizers for the ones the we do have??
The possibilities are endless around here, as my house needs lots of organizing!!
Samantha says
Love Me Some Lowes! My bedroom has two closets, but I really only use one, so I converted the other to a little office nook. It desperately needs some organization
Nikki G says
Love me some Lowes!
I have a ton of areas that I’m dying to organize in our home.. But I think the most coveted make-over area is a tie between the laundry room and my closet (nothing a penny can’t solve for me)! 🙂
I LOVE your desk make-over. I think the giant picture of Will really makes that space – adorable!
Sheri says
Love me some Lowes
My closet desperately needs some help and so does my garage…but I’ll go with the closet =)
Jenny says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Our entry hall closet needs HELP!
Beverley says
Love me some Lowes
I would love to organize the landing at the top of our stairs – it’s become a dumping ground for everything that needs to go upstairs (aka the junk you drop off in a mad dash to clean the downstairs for the people about to stop by) 🙂
Heather says
Love me some Lowes!
I’m getting married this summer and we’re moving into a townhouse together – so pretty much every single room is going to need organization! Especially those where the boy’s electronics come in – God help me.
Roxanne M says
Love me some Lowes! Our den/office is a disaster and could use some organizing help from Lowes!
Julie says
Love me some Lowes! I’d love to organize my bedroom closet. I need some shoe and boot space!
Abby B says
Love me some Lowes!
I really want to redo my home office. I need a bigger desk that actually fits me (I’m tall and my legs don’t fit under my current desk) and more organization. My husband has offered to build me a new desk with more storage and some more shelves. My goal is to have a place where my son and I can work side by side while he does homework and I supervise him and do other work.
Lindsay B. says
Love me some Lowes!! My kitchen is in need of some additional storage space and organization!
Shannon says
there’s3-way-tie between my eating nook, my closet, and my laundry room…
Susan D says
Love me some Lowes!
I am a first time mom living with my hubs in a tiny 600 sq ft apartment. I would love some help from Lowes to organize baby things!
Lindsay B. says
Love me some Lowes!! My kitchen needs some additional storage and organization!
Margaret says
Love me some Lowes!!
I love Lowes!! When we first moved into our house I went on several trips by myself to Lowes just browsing the store for over an hour at a time so I knew where everything was. I still love going, even more than my husband, lol!! I would have to organize my two messiest closests in the house. They need some loving, they are the stash all for everything and anything! Your desk looks amazing btw, great job!!
Kelsey says
Thank you SO much for showing a genuine before picture – I think so many of us are pilers (we are, right?!) and so it’s fun to see how you tackled it! Awesome!
RebeccaH says
Love me some Lowes! I would LOVE to finally have the kids’ toys organized. I’m so sick of walking on them!
Laura Adelman says
Love me some Lowes!
My office/ storage area is a mess. At some point, oo the distant memories, it was organized. And then my obsession to Pinterest happened and that was all she wrote….
Todd says
Love me some Lowes. I’d like to organize my garage.
Jennifer says
Love me some Lowes! My whole house could honestly use some decluttering and organization.
Emily B says
Love me some Lowes! I need to organize the long hallway between my dining room and kitchen. 🙂
Karen says
Love me some Lowes!
My closet is a disaster area… and so is my laundry area. And my pantry.
Needless to say…. I could put a $100 from Lowes to good use with some new shelving and storage solutions. LOL
molly says
Love me some Lowes!!!!! I just rearranged my laundry room, and took the doors off my pantry to use as shelves….. true story. So I really need help with baskets or something to hide all the stuff on the shelves, or I could use it to buy new doors for the naked pantry!
Sara C. says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to do it in my filing cabinet 😉 But seriously, it’s a mess! I need some organization in my life!
Lindsay says
Love me some Lowe’s!!
My biggest spot for organizing will be our hall closet! I would love to add some drawers for added storage.
Mary says
Love me some Lowes- My living room. The kid has taken it over and I need to take it back!!
Alicia Burress says
Love me some Lowes! I am ready to organize my laundry room!
Kristina Enevoldsen says
Love me some Lowes!…… My daughter’s toy room needs help, would love shelves in there.
jessica says
Love me some lowes. We are about to redo our bathroom, which will need to be better organized but also, that outdoor light that you picked out, I’m getting two of those for over the two sinks in the redone bathroom! I’m glad to see it “in real life”. cute!
Rebecca says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to clean up our butcher’s pantry!
Megan says
Love me some Lowes
Our laundry room/mud room needs some serious organizing!
Megan McC says
Love me some Lowes! My entryway currently has zero organization except a sad lonely little shoe rack. It needs alot of love and attention from these days.
Yanni says
Love me some Lowes
We moved in to our new house 6 months ago and our poor office has been neglected. It needs some major organization in there!!!!
Amanda D says
Love me some lowes, & your organizing sapce!
I would love to organize my kitchen & living room. It’s an open space and everything is just…in your face. It needs to be delt with.
Nell says
I would love to organize my husband’s desk. I finally moved all my stuff out of the study to my new craft room, but I left him with a bit if a sad mess.
Brittney Saffell says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I want to do it our home office! I want to do two things, but right now I will talk about organization. We just got married 4 months ago, so my husband’s office has gone from his office to our office, and it’s a disaster. It also houses dog crates. Lovely.
Have a lovely day. The desk looks wonderful. Good job!
Dig the burlap wall in Will’s room by the way!
Lindsey says
Love me some Lowes!
Our garage is in massive need of HELP! Overflowing DIY crap, paint cans everywhere, who knows what is really in there.
sarah @ sarah learns says
Love me some Lowes!
our office needs some major work. it’s actually an office/guest room, but right now it’s like two separate halves – i’d love to be able to add in some “homier” touches to the office side like wooden shelves and a nicer (less industrial) lamp to tie back to the bedroom half…
Heather {ModernMealsforTwo} says
Love me some Lowes!
I also need to make my at home desk a bit more functional for my photography biz needs. (Based on these similarities I totally think we should be friends). Hubster is the driving force behind the photography biz and he has a lovely studio to visit every day. I take care of all the client contacts as well as designing albums. My super cute retro desk barely fits the dual monitors and keyboard let alone all of the paper I constantly stack on it. Some shelves or covered storage would go a LONG way.
Jessi says
Love me some Lowes!!
My closet is atrocious…I can’t even find anything…so this would be amazing!!
Elisabeth says
Love me some Lowes! To be honest the whole apartment is in need of some serious organization, but since I can’t make an extra closet appear out of thin air we definitely need a small desk and shelving to make a mini office area. I’d love it if we could get a new apartment with three bedrooms and turn one into a office/guest room. But I’d totally settle for a new office nook in a corner somewhere.
Lacey McDonald says
Love me some Lowes! Especially if I could win and find a better toy solution for my daughter’s room that would allow me to rotate toys. Everything she owns out on the floor after a tornado play day is too much.
Kristin says
Love your site Katie! This is my first comment ever, we bought a foreclosure in July and have been painting, re-doing, landscaping, and everything else since we moved in. It’s nice to read about someone in the same boat 🙂
Anyway I really do Love me some Lowes! It is like my home improvement Target….I never leave empty handed! For sure with that $100 I would organize the master closet, right now it is a walk-in mess!
Kristin says
I soooooo need to finish my office. We bought this home 3 years ago and I’m still deciding on things for my office. I finally found the office table I wanted at a great deal, but I need to pain it. So, getting this win would totally help!
Jamie says
Love me some Lowes!
Our porch definitely could use some help!
Kathy A says
Love me some Lowes! I need help in many areas: my computer desk, my scrapbooking and photo area, even the bookshelf where we keep the Wii games and paraphernalia.
Colleen says
Had trouble posting this comment! Should start with “Love me some Lowe’s”!!
Jodi Trevino says
I have teeny, tiny, peeling wallpapered, total eye sore of a bathroom that I use every. single. day. And every day I think, I really should do something about this mess. I am a renter, so I haven’t really been motivated to get ‘er done, but to prevent myself from going completely insane, I am hoping Lowe’s will HOOK A SISTAH UP!!! 🙂
shelby says
Love me some Lowes!
My craft area/guest room is a hot mess — too much craft stuff and in the middle of a room remodel. I’ve tried bins that store under the bed but then I have to get them out, and it’s still a jumble. I need a new way that makes my craft stuff visible but still organized!
Beckie McKinnon says
Love me some Lowes!!!
I need to organize my desk, bureau and pretty much every room since we moved and are looking to buy a new home. Sooo life is pretty much in disarray right now! Love lowes 🙂
Nate says
Love me some Lowes
Organize either our craft room or the garage….both need SOME help!
Jamie says
Love me some Lowes!
Our guest room, laundry room and desk in the living room could all use some major organizational love!!
Christina says
Love me some Lowes!!! I need to organize our office. Its a tiny tiny room with an amazing amount of junk in it!
Ashley Brown says
Love me some Lowes! I would love to have some organization brought to my “Vanity” area…I need some organization for my makeup, jewelry and hair care, right now it’s just a blog of destruction!
Liz says
Love me some lows!
I would organize our family desk too!
Carrie says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d love to organize and move my desk/design area from my basement (can we say dark) to the prefect little nook in a spare bedroom (with plenty of light). I have a vision of chunky white floating shelves with plenty of space to organize!
Anna says
Love me some Lowes!
My basement needs some serious attention.
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes.
My craft closet is a mess, all of my supplies are still in moving boxes (from a year ago) that I have to dig through to find anything!
Shannon says
Love me some Lowes!
We have the EXACT same challenge in our kitchen office! I would organize the heck out of that space with 100 bones. Crossing my fingers!
Kylie says
love me some lowes.
i’d like to do it in my home office. for sure.
Robin @ Our Semi Organic Life says
Love me some Lowes! I really want to do it in our bedroom office – yes I just said that. We currently have our office (yes 2 desks) in our bedroom. yikes.
Krystal D says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our garage! It’s a mess!
Carlee W says
Love me some Lowes… my mail intake area and entrancy way really needs some organization!
Sue says
Love me some Lowes!
Our office (my husband is self-employed) needs some serious help!
Jess says
Love me some Lowes.
My closet is atrocious. I need to add some good storage containers, organize, and get rid of the old stuff.
Katie Hartman says
Love me some Lowes! I NEED to organize my pantry/supply closet in my kitchen- its a hot mess!
Love the blog!
Colleen says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize the counter area in the kitchen. It’s a catch-all for everything: mail, cat stuff, cellphones, camera, etc.
Amie says
I love your titles, and good innuendos. They make me giggle.
I can’t enter your little contest/giveaway (on account of me being a Canuck and all) but I do fantasize about doing it in the front closet, and my craft closet too.
Emily says
Love Me Some Lowes!
Our kitchen island gets a ton of stuff just set there. Drives me crazy.
Robin E says
Love me some Lowes! I need to organize our basement; it’s a wreck!
Alexi says
Love me some Lowes!
My craft/spare bedroom needs some major love. It currently looks a lot like Sherry & John’s playroom. Don’t know where to put it? – Throw it in the blue room.
Love the desk re-do! It looks so cute. And that picture of Will is gorgeous!
Angela says
Love me some Lowes!
My office is badly in need of some organization – fortunately we have some motivation. My brother and a friend are going to be staying with us for a couple months so we’ll need two guest rooms and the office will have to stand in for one. Right now it’s the junk collecting room… yikes!
Oh and I loved the photos of little Liam! His mom is my co-worker and when she said she was looking for a photographer, I mentioned she should check you out. Photos look great – glad she did! She said it was a great experience too!
Lindsey says
I need this so bad. My whole house is one big unorganized mess and I think I would start the organizational clean up in the playroom where the toys are always thrown everywhere!
Caroline says
Love me some Lowes! I’d love to organize the craziness that is my art studio/craft room/sewing room.
Kelly S says
Love me some Lowes!!
My Scrapbooking area needs some serious organization!
Katherine Mull says
Love me some Lowes! Would love to organize our coat hanging area!
Kasey says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I have an “office” that looks like a storage room. I need help!
Shannon says
love me some lowes…in the process of moving, so I need to do it everywhere!
Kelly Howard says
Love me some Lowes! I’d organize our office cubby, its terrible!!
Ameesha says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my office – right now it’s basically just storage and my desk has been relegated to the living room!
Ginger BB says
(…And I really do! They are my much-preferred choice in home improvement store. Great lighting; stylish shelves/ bins; fab outdoor pillows/ plants/ planters.) I wanna “do it” to my home office — that sad, small place I spend 8 hours a day with papers and clutter closing in daily. HELP!
Lindsey says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize by cabinets so I don’t have to take all 12798 things out to find the one thing I need.
aliciajuliane says
Love me some Lowes!
I have to admit that I have the same – can’t throw things away problem – as you. So with that being said I have at least six areas that would greatly improve with this gift card!
Kate says
Love me some Lowes, oh fo shoooo! Yep, that just happened. I’d love to organize my closet…she’s pretty crazy. Winter clothes, undies and hangers, oh my!
Heather says
“Love me some Lowes!” I would organize my kitchen!! It’s pretty small so things tend to pile up pretty quick on our scarce counter space!
SammaMichelle says
Love Me Some Lowe’s!!!
and the spare bedroom which is hopefully one day soon going to be my craft room but has now affectionately been dubbed “the crap room”. Yeah…not so great and it seriously needs some love!!!
Kelly says
Love me some Lowe’s!!!! (I even worked there in college!)
And my house would love it some Lowe’s too, if I could get it organized! I’m currently working on our kitchen and our guest bedrooms! This would be perfect!
KC says
Love me some Lowes! My closets!!
Meghan says
Love me some Lowes! I’d like some organizing in my kitchen… or in my bathroom…
Kayla says
Love me some Lowes!
I need to organize of our little coat/scarf/shoes corner in our dining room. It is OOC!!
Breanna says
My fantasy organizational spot is the laundry room! I’m actually gearing up to start building the “smiling mudroom” from Ana White’s online plans! This Lowes card would really help me out! Hope I win!
Meg says
Love me some Lowes!
Is it bad that if I say the entire house?
Rachel B says
first, love me some lowes!
second, great job with the desk re-org! the shelves are great.
third, my re-org project? the bedroom closet, it’s scary just to say that.
Katie says
Love me some Lowes! Our closets needs an overhaul!
ErinY says
Love me some Lowes!
Totally want to do it in the closet. And the guest bedroom. And the pantry. I want to do it everywhere…haha The closet in particular though, my shoes are in a big heap and could really use some organizing!
Allison says
Love me some Lowes! Would love to organize the closet
Judy says
Love me some Lowes!
We’re moving our laundry into the basement to make the 1st floor laundry into a mud room with lockers. Cool idea… but we need some organizing magic to make it all happen!!
Ashley says
Love me some Lowes
Craft room needs some MAJOR organization!
Emily says
I’d “Love me some Lowes” if it could help out with my hot mess of a laundry room! I have no shelves or organization in there and everytime I use my washer or dryer I have to act like an acrobat to reach behind said appliances to retrieve the detergent. I’m desperate! Help me out Lowes and I’ll show you some real Valentine lovin’!
Sherri says
Love me some Lowes!
Where do I begin?! I have been freaking out about the hot messes ALL over the house. Hang out room closet, junk drawer in the kitchen, under the kitchen sink and bathroom. I could make this $100 go far!
Whitney Dupuis says
Love me some Lowe’s!!!
I have a closet with all of the extra junk (gifts for others, extra votive candles, board games, every random thing in our house). I absolutely HAVE to organize it soon because it is driving me crazy!
By the way, the desk looks amazing! I love the pops of green. I am using it in my house also and am beginning to think it is my new favorite color.
msomesome LLoLowes! says
Love me so
Mrs. Le Brell says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our office. We have a desk in there, but that’s about it & everything is in piles…on top of the desk!
Heather M. says
Love Me Some Lowes!
Our drum room & my sewing area (which happens to be all over the kitchen and living room right now!)
MH Toth says
Love me some Lowes
my craft “area” in the basement!
Dori says
Love me some Lowes!
We’ve been in our house for a little over a year and our office and kitchen could both use some organization.
Samantha says
Love me some Lowe’s!!
I want to do it in the basement (aka catch all storage area).
Andrea Southworth says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to add shelves and baskets to our coat closet to help store some of the toys our 14 month old has!
Candice says
Love me some Lowes!
I really, truly, need to organize my bedroom. Ever since I moved in years ago, I’ve never put anything away. Clothes in boxes, piled on random things….. there’s even an air conditioner on the floor lol.
Erin says
Love me some Lowes!
I wanna do it in my basement. Right now, its really just a big (finished) storage place. I want to make it another usable space in my house!
LOVE this blog!
Missy says
Love me some Lowes! I’d organize Baby David’s room with some shelving and closet stuff.
Jen says
Love me some LOWE’S!!
That is a true statement for me, I LOVE Lowe’s. The area I most want to do it in is my laundry room/mudroom/catchall/the room I am most embarassed by in my home.
Pick me, pick me please!!!
Katie says
Love me some Lowes!!
I would LOVE to organize our small office!! : )
Kat says
love me some Lowe’s!
my art / sewing room and desk are in major need of organization
Ginger Noble says
I also LOVE ME SOME LOWES! I need to reorganize my home office and my kitchen desk area.
Thanks for your ideas.
Nicole R. says
Love me some Lowes…We need to do some major organizing in our home office. It is a struggle!
Trisha D says
Love Me Some Lowes.
I’d do it in the closet. You know being a girl is awesome because the clothing choices, accessories, and footwear. Then come the impulse buys that goes along with shopping. The last thing on your mind is how to store and organize it all.
Heather says
”Love me some Lowes”
The bedroom closet. I’ve been meaning to clean it out when I had a couple days off for Christmas… then New Years… and now I’m not sure. I have a nine month old and his crib is in the bedroom, so nap time cleaning is out. And I can’t keep him occupied with his toys long enough to do it while he is awake.
You think Lowes will let me borrow an employee to babysit?
Alyssa says
Love me some Lowes…My kitchen closet is quickly spiraling out of organizational control, I would love to somehow give it some structure!
Jeanne Poel says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to get my master bedroom closet organized! It’s driving me crazy!
Mike says
Love me some Lowes
Our “put down place” is the top of the dryer…
Joy says
Love me some Lowes! I really need to organize my kitchen cabinets.
Sasha says
Love me some Lowes! Our guest room has become our junk room… which is a problem when your house only has four real rooms!
Caanan says
Love me some Lowes
I would love to have more shelves in the laundry room and I’d like to put shelves in the bathroom cabinets, since just about everything in there is short and I want to be able to use more of that space.
Adrianna says
Love me some Lowe’s. I would love to tackle the huge stack of pictures just waiting to be framed and hung up. I think it would totally clean up the stack of clutter in the living room.
Mandi C says
Love me some Lowes! I have an entire room ready to be finished so that we can have a classroom to do homeschool in next year. It doesn’t even have walls or electrical yet, so it’s a HUGE project! Can’t wait to get it done, so I’d LOVE to win!! 🙂
Stephanie says
Love me some Lowes!!
I would love to finally organize our mess of a guest room/office.
I want to make it more lovable for guests and also function nicely as an office.
Annie says
”Love me some Lowes”
My filing/desk area is a pile of paper that needs major sorting/organization.
Tad says
Love me some Lowes.
We stay well organized, thanks to my wife.
Need new faucets in the Master Bath!
Haley says
That desk re-do looks awesome!!
Love me some Lowes!
I would definitely put some organization to the awkward “we don’t know what to do with it, so we store stuff in there” room!
Daniels says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I’d organize my mile high paperwork.
Jessica G says
Love me some Lowes! My guest bedroom is in major need of some organization! It’s a multi-functional space that I need to make look clutter-free.
laura says
Love me some Lowes!!
Ugh my dining room needs major orgainzing! Would love to finally NOT have tons of stuff on the dining room table. Maybe even finally eat in there!
laura says
Love me some Lowes!!
Ugh my dining room needs major orgainzing! Would love to finally NOT have tons of stuff on the dining room table. Maybe even finally eat in there!
jenn says
love me some lowe’s!
i would be elated to finally organize our study since the absolute ONLY thing that we don’t do in there is “study.” we store extra canned goods, throw the ironing board in there, use an old microwave cart to store batteries, stamps, etc. but we don’t really use it, and i would LOVE to create a space that we use. love, like really love.
Terri A. says
Love me some Lowes!!
My storage closet.
Stephanie says
My hall closets need an intervention…its our go to place for all of our clutter! So we stuff dvds, cleaning supplies, linens, baby stuff, basically everything into our poor little closet!
Laura Jordan says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to finally orgainize my dining room. It would be great to finally NOT have tons for papers on the table. Maybe we could even eat in there!
I either want to do it in my closet, or the coat closet. Or maybe the closet in the utility room. Guess I have a thing for closets! 🙂
Nice job, BTW. LOVE the shelves and the light. everything, really!
Amy says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! My husband’s desk is forever a disaster zone… like with multiple piles of paperts randomly strewn about on the floor… It’s time for a change!
Rachel says
We’re only allowed to pick ONE room we need to organize? Oh boy…this is tough. 🙂 I would say our biggest organizing thorn in our flesh is our coat closet. There’s all sorts of scary stuff in there, and I have big dreams of one day cleaning it all out, adding a fun stenciling detail to the walls and finally corralling all those scarves, mittens, hats and gloves into some sort of basket or bin.
Love your shelves, by the way!
Liz says
Leave me some Lowe’s!
We’re in the process of turning our guest bedroom into a nursery so LOTS of organization help is needed here.
Shauna says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my studio! Your new workspace looks so great – love the fixture & the pops of color, & that mega-clock!
Jennifer W says
Love me some Lowes
I would love to organize our kitchen. Period. We have junk drawers, drawers that have every kind of serving wear all over, cabinets with spices that I know are in there, but can’t find, and sippy cups EVERYWHERE. It begs to be organized.
Liz says
Actually meant to say “LOVE me some Lowe’s” Oops!
Lara says
Love me some Lowes!!
I want to do it everywhere!!!! We just moved across the country and pretty much have nothing except stacks of stuff on the floor.
Jenni says
Love me some Lowes!
Our kitchen needs some major organization!
Louise in NE OK says
”Love me some Lowes”
Craft closet is a hot mess. I know that I could find some remedies at Lowes!
Robin says
Love me some Lowes! My home office/desk area is in serious need of some help. Pretty sure it could rival your “before” hot mess!
Amber says
Love me some Lowe’s! I really really need to get all my craft stuff organized…in a bad way. Thanks for the opportunity to win Katie!
Jamie H says
Love me some Lowes! Our “drop it” area by the garage door needs some organizing. There’s always a pile of keys/phones/mail/etc.
Stephanie Kowalski says
Love me some Lowes!
My craft area is in need of some good lovin’…I try to keep it organized, but with new stuff coming in, it’s hard!
Tara says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! I’d love to “do it” in my closet. Seriously…it’s a hot mess!
Ashley Ez says
Love me some Lowes! I wanna do it in my closet!
Cinamon says
”Love me some Lowes”
I would organize the master bedroom closet!
Karen says
Love me some Lowes!! – My art studio room could use some love.
sandrine says
love me some lowes!
i would love to be able to do my office, i did empty the room to try to get some inspirations. love your blog!
Liz says
Love me some Lowes! I would tackle our master bedroom closet. Whoa, it’s scary in there. We need shelving and storage ASAP.
Darcy says
Love me some Lowes!
I definitely need help in our office/guest room!
Britney says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Desk-top paper piles…need I say more?
I love that you used an outdoor light inside, it’s so rustic 🙂
Megan says
Love me some Lowes! I would organize my closet.
Susan D says
Love me some Lowe’s
I would reorganize my bedroom closet. Its a big mess with clothes, shoes (of course), bills, pictures, and whatever we can’t find a place for.
Whitney says
Love me some Lowes!
I’d like to do it in the Laundry Room- organize that is. 🙂
Kelly says
Love me some Lowes – I would love to clean up the big gap where a dresser should be in my apartment!
Pamela @ Pink Hammers & Sippy Cups says
Well I can’t love me some Lowes because I’m from Canada however I was wondering if there are any tips needed for using an outdoor light inside? I absolutely LOVE that light fixture!
Dara says
Love me some Lowes!!
My closet….total disaster!
Christy G. says
“Love me some Lowes!”
I would love to organize my craft room! It kinda becomes a catch-all for things with no home.
Marissa says
Love me some Lowe’s. My four year old’s room could use some organization!
Sara Johnson says
”Love me some Lowes”! I would DO IT 😉 in the master bedroom closet!
Amy B says
Love me some LOWE’S!!
Hubby & I need to do it in the garage! It’s totally become his ‘man cave’ and there are tools & motor parts & chunks of muddy GA clay EVERYWHERE. We have some cheap-o plastic shelving units in there now but, we’d LOVE to install some permanent, heavy doodie, wood shelves along the larger wall.
Great job doing it on your desk 😉 Looks fantastic!
Jamie says
Love Me Some Lowes!
I would love to do it, in the mudroom. We have two school aged boys and all of their backpacks, coats, gloves, hats, boots, shoes…and a variety of other items always end up on the floor. Despite having hooks on the wall it doesnt seem to help.
Emily says
Love me some Lowes! I totally want to do it in my breezeway. It’s basically a hallway that connects our garage to our house. It’s about 7′ wide and 20′ long. Lots of space in there to do it. Lots. 😉
Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Have a great weekend!
Lauren says
Love me some lowe’s!
With two of us working from home, our office is in dire need of some organization!
Tara M. says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to have to tackle the pantry. I am pretty sure there are items squished back in there a decade old. . .
Kathleen W says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize the guest room!
Tracy says
Love me some Lowes!
Would love to organize my craft/office area in the attic!
Noel :) says
I want to do it in the guest room, on a new bed!!
Lizzie says
LOVE ME SOME LOWES! I would love to get my closet organized!! and my’s a mess
Tracy says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My 17-year-old son’s closet needs HELP!! Please! Save me! I’m scared!
Tara says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize our pantry. It is in desperate need of a working light so I can see what the heck is in there and then get it all organized!
Elizabeth M says
Love me some lowes!!!
Holly says
Love me some Lowes!!!! My pantry needs help!!!!!
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes! I want to do it in the closet!
Kelsey Barrett says
Love me some Lowes…
We are expecting in September and the office will now be the nursery. I am turning an area in the spare room into a desk area. I would love to do it there!
Leann Andrews says
Love me some Lowe’s!!
I’d love to redo my pantry! It’s a mess and needs some TLC 🙂
Jen says
Love me some Lowes—would love, love, love to organize our kitchen/laundry room/bedroom–um ya, our whole house. 🙂
Melinda says
Love me some Lowes! And LOVE me some organization! I have a desperate need to find the floor in my hoarder room!
Jasmine says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I have a home office/guest room/craft room that definitely needs some organizing!
Liana says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Where do I start? Pantry…kitchen counter…kitchen desk…office…bathroom…plasticware cupboard…
Amy J. says
Love me some Lowes!
On top of my bedroom dresser (lotions, perfume, jewlery, etc) AND my linen closet!!
Tiffany p says
Love me some lowes!
Perhaps it’s time for me to tackle my junk room…… Yikes
Skooks says
Love me some Lowes! My desk needs some help as well . . . but man if I don’t have to get all the stuff in the attic and basement under control!
Katie says
Love me some Lowes! Nearly every closet in our house needs some organization/love!
Firesparx says
Love me some Lowes! Two words: Mud. Room. I wish mud was the only thing being tracked into this room, but alas, it is overrun by everything we every bring into the house.
Meg says
Love me some Lowes!
I would love to organize my sun room!!
Cheryl says
Love me some Lowes! And I have a bedroom that we’ll actually be needing come July that is full of boxes from our move 3.5 years ago that needs some serious attention (organizing + better storage solutions). Pick me, pick me!
Jacque says
Love me some Lowes!! Oh how I love them! The fact that they are practically in my backyard is such a wonderful thing~However, it would be nice to have a little extra funding to de-clutter and organize our office space…It is in dire need of organization and a facelift!
Brooke Craig says
Love me some Lowes!
The office really needs organizing! It’s gotten so bad that when I’m “organizing” my mail, I just walk in the room and toss it to the left if it needs to be shredded or toss it to the right if it needs to be filed! So bad!
Your desk looks SO good! Great job. 🙂
Ashlee says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My office is a disaster it could be my perfect room, unfortunately the floor in there looks like the before of your desk …a good dropping place.
Kelsey H says
Love me some Lowes!!! I would love to do some major organization in our room. Putting up shelves, baskets, etc.
Heather says
Love me some Lowe’s!
I want to do it on a desk, too! Lots of piles on the floor right now that need a home!
Katy says
Love me some Lowes
Our office needs some love, it holds everything we don’t want to deal with/ don’t have space for.
Elizabeth says
Love Me Some Lowe’s! I’d love to do it in the laundry room (or I should probably say laundry “closet”). We just moved into a 1920’s bungalow, and our storage space is minuscule! I have several organization projects to tackle while my husband is deployed over the next year, and this is high on the list.
Heidi Seawell says
Love me some Lowe’s! I’ve been dying to do it in the corner of my kitchen…my husband hasn’t agreed yet 😉 Our paint supplies, baby junk, shells from beach vaca, etc. are all there! ugh
Giselle says
Love me some Lowe’s! I’ve been tackling my 10 yr old daughter’s bedroom for the past month, we live in a 2 bdrm and her room has her bed, books, all the american girl doll rooms she built her self, her sewing machine and art supplies. She’s a little DYI goddess and organizing all her interests is always a challenge. I need all the help I can get!!!
Erin says
Love me some Lowe’s! My kitchen cabinets are desperate for some organizing TLC!
Krystal says
Love me some Lowes
I need help in the kids playroom something FIERCE!
Jacole says
Love me some Lowes!
The garage, always the garage! No matter how many times a year we clean out, sweep up, get rid of, donate, or recycle…it always goes right back into chaos 😮
Amanda C. says
Love me some Lowes!
My husband and I currently share an office (his side for work stuff, my side for crafts and sewing). Unfortunately, it’s has become the catch-all for anything and everything. I’d love to organize it!
Margaret says
My office needs some lovin, it’s pretty horrible. Can’t even walk in the door some days, so organization would be ideal – maybe even a combo giant closet-slash-office!
Tiffany p says
Love me some lowes!
Perhaps it’s time to tackle my junk room….yikes!
Cori says
Love me some Lowe’s! I would love to organize all the closets in my house!!!
Susan says
”Love me some Lowes”
I would use it for my dining/calligraphy/mail/reading/puzzle area
We live in a small house, which I love, but that area of the house has a TON of uses! I’d build shelving with some molding around the dining table so as the fiance and I are done with what ever activity we’re doing we just just put it away!
Bethany says
Love me some Lowes! I’d also like to get my desk area organized! We need some shelving/storage too!
Brianne says
Love me some Lowes
My garage is out of control. It seems to be where everything goes when its in my way.
Melanie says
Love me some Lowe’s. I would love to use the gift card to organize my girls closet. Way too may small toys and doll clothing I have no idea where to start.
Angie says
Love me some Lowes!!
My kitchen desk nook is a wreck.
Meggen says
”Love me some Lowes” – My breeze way is in desperate need of help. It’s a dumping ground for doggie supplies, shoes, outdoor toys, receycling and anything else I feel the urge to shove out there and ignore at a much later date!
Tiffany Mazzara says
Love me some Lowes…we really need to organize our office/craft space at home.
Lindsey says
Love me some Lowes!
Right now my whole house needs some major help. We are trying to make room for baby #2. The current project is a dresser that will provide some much needed storage in our living room!
Danielle says
Love me some Lowes!!
I have a sewing room that I would love to do it in 🙂
Amanda says
I would love to start organizing our ‘library’ room! It’s basically a pile of books and other ‘stuff’ we don’t have a place for!
Emily says
Love me some Lowe’s! I just got a new desk in our new office, in our new house. I’m psyched to get my blog, bills, magazines, camera, and computer stuff organized!
Lynn Van Slyke says
“Love Me Some Lowes”
My favorite to do it right now is the basement. Slowly but surely it’s taking shape =D
Claudie says
Love Me Some Lowes!
My office is a disaster… Not only does it need to house two computers, but I also sew and have various other craftiness going on. It has a huge closet, which would be nice to house all of the stuff currently stored in plastic bins and stuffed onto the small bookcase in the room if it didn’t just have 1 shelf and 1 hanging rod. It needs to be built out and soon before I lose my mind, if not my creativity.
Anna says
Love me some Lowes! I need need need some help converting our office into a nursery and relocating all the files, bills, even our printer into another room even though every other room is completely full of other useful things. HELP! My deadline is June when baby is due!
Katie says
Love me some Lowes!!!!
Our hallway pantry needs some major TLC in the organization department. Dog food and the crockpot shouldn’t share shelf space 🙂
Lindsey says
Love me some Lowes! Desperately need to do it in the office “shove anything behind the curtain” closet. Still have moving boxes from a year ago hiding in there…
Katy says
Love me some Lowes!
We live in an apartment and have ZERO extra storage (including no pantry and no linen closet) so our guest room / guest room closet is a drop all for anything extra (picture a bed piled with clean towels and scrap book paper and other various crafts). I would love to add storage in the closet so I actually have a place to put things!
Siera says
Love Me Some Lowes
My guest bedroom/office needs some major help the in way of organization.
Your kitchen desk turned out awesome 🙂 I love the different finishes and color scheme!
Jackie says
Love me some Lowe’s! I’ve been dying to organize our laundry room – it’s on the main floor and it’s just got too much stuff!
Becky T says
“Love me some Lowe’s”
I’m in desperate need of some organization in my spare bedroom. My husband and I live in a 2 BR apartment, work on 2 different schedules and are on a very tight budget. I HATE clutter so everything ends up stacked in the spare room. It drives me insane and it’s gotten to the point that I don’t even want to open up the door or allow guests to stay in that room. Everything is stacked (and teetering, yikes!) on the dressers, bed, and desk…not to mention the stacks of boxes along the wall. I want to get rid of things but I get overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Help!!
tiffany says
my bedroom shelves needs much organizing!
Lissete says
Love me some Lowes!
My spot is the linens closet, everything gets stuck in there, forever, it’s a disaster!
Stacey says
I’d like to do it in the laundry room…organize that is!!!! 🙂
Abbey says
My kitchen is in dire need of some organization!
Tricia says
“Love me some Lowes”
My office closet is a disaster. It needs major organization and now!!!! Help please!!!
Trilby says
LOVE me some Lowe’s!! I’d take a cue from you and organize this pretty new desk I just built! The surface of it is pretty now, but all my junk is hiding underneath. Some shelves & new lighting (a la Katie!) would be totally in order!
Kacee says
Love me some Lowes
I need some help in our laundry room. Took much stuff not enough storage!!
Liz says
Love me some Lowe’s in the powder room. I need some shelves, baskets, etc. Just did a reno and it needs some accessories. Thanks, Katie. You crack me up. Also, I’ve never left a comment before, but I homeschool my boys (6! – did she say 6? yes, she did.) and it’s been great. One at college, one about to head out. So that’s 2 down and 4 to go! Do you have too many kids if you number them? 🙂
Yancey @ Ysquaredlife says
Love me some Lowes!
I would totally do it in the garage. I will definitely need my husband’s help! It is a HOT MESS out there! 😉
Siera says
Love Me Some Lowe’s
My guest bedroom/office could use some major help in the way of organization.
Your kitchen desk turned out awesome! I love the different finishes and the color scheme!
Meaghen says
Love me some Lowes!
My boyfriend just built me a craft room in our basement and it desperately needs some shelving/ baskets/ organization of some kind.
Karina says
What an improvement! Well, I guess anything would be a step up from just dropped off stuff, eh? 😉 But no seriously, it is cute! (Can organizing be cute?)
Love me some Lowes! I would totally organize my desk/sewing area. They’re all one now, which doesn’t really work out for either activity! But…. I might have to send you a picture so you can give me ideas. My sense of organizing is rubbermaid tubs filled in the garage with all the stuff from said area. :S I’ll definitely need some Bower Power help cleaning my area up!
Svetlana says
Love me some Lowe’s! Our closets and laundry room need shelves. Your work area looks great by the way!
Patti says
Love me some Lowes! I have a hall closet that stores all my workout gear, which includes all my swimming/biking/running gear for triathlons and well as yoga stuff and all my clothes for the gym. I’m currently using a couple really not functional shelves that I freecycled when I moved in because I didn’t have anything else. I could definitely use some shelves, bins and other organizational inspiration!
Kristen says
Nice job KB!! That desk area looks awesome now! I love when spaces can be functional and pretty! : )
candace says
Love me some Lowes!!!
My office is in some serious need of organization!!!!!
Kristen says
Love me some lowes! My husband and I are downsizing to a studio apartment this year while he’s finishing school and we’re in need of some ways to organize our things and make better use of a much smaller space than we currently live in. It’ll be worth it though! I’ve never commented before but I love your blog, I read it and yhl everyday and house decorate vicariously haha.
Heather says
Love Me Some Lowes! My craft room has one small path from the closet to the door. I need some help organizing it. 🙂
kara says
Love me some lowes …would love to organize my office!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowes!
I need immediate closet organization!
Heidi says
Love me some Lowes! We need to organize our kitchen pantry!
Cherish says
Love me some Lowes
Our office/guestroom is a huge hot mess of junk that I would love to organize!!!
Steph says
Love me some Lowes! I need to organize my closet!!
Amy says
Love me some Lowes!
Where don’t I want to do it? That’s a much harder question…….
I would definitely use the money to organize my laundry room. It needs some l.o.v.e.
Amanda says
Love me some Lowes!
You’ve inspired me to beautify my desk too. But when I win, it is all going to help the pit that is my laundry room!
Lani says
Love me some lowes!!
I’d totally do it on my desk as well! AKA…I’d get a desk to do it on as the only place we have our laptop is on the couch and it’s slowly driving me insane and making me crippled from hunching all the time. So…Desk…
Alisha N says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Its a toss up between my son’s toys, that are taking over the house, and our tiny master bedrrom closet.
Nicole says
love me some lowes! the closet that we call an ‘office’ is in some serious need of organization!! and the garage, and the kids rooms…and the kitchen. who am i kidding? i need my whole house/life organized!!
CarolineN. says
Love me some Lowes!
Im getting married and moving in 5 months…. so basically ill be doing it everywhere, organizing that is…. 😉
Amanda Hewson says
Katie B you are awesome, thanks for being you 🙂 My husband and I are gearing up to DIY a desk inspired by your dear friends over at YHL and Lowe’s is our go to spot, gotta love me some Lowe’s!
Megan C. says
Love me some Lowes!
My whole house needs organization. Seriously.
Kathy says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need to organize my bathroom vanity situation. It is a hot mess… please love me some Lowes!
Kira Whitaker says
Love me some Lowes…
Our garage is a hot mess. Really. Between my husband’s 2018409582 pieces of sporting equipment and storing everything that won’t fit in our townhouse, it’s like a tornado hit. Did I mention it has to function as parking and our “laundry room” too? Yeah, it’s awful.
Clare says
Love me some Lowes…I’d love to organize my paperwork.
Amanda says
Love me some Lowe’s!
Would love to organize the catch-all closet off our kitchen. It is home to cleaning supplies, folding chairs, extra paper towels, light bulbs – you name it! It needs some Lowe’s lovin’!
Stesser says
love me some lowe’s!
Would love to organize our closet. The shelving that came with the house is next to useless… re-doing it all would be fabulous…
Rebecca says
Love me some Lowes!
I need major organization at my scrapbook desk in the guest room!
Kaytee says
I Love Me Some Lowes Indeed!! My best friend and I just started our (for right now) dream jobs! We have a booth in a local thrift store and we couldn’t possibly be more excited! I can’t wait to get in there and organize and make it our own! We are thrilled to make this new venture!
Deana says
Love me some Lowes! The garage needs help. It’s an organized mess, but needs a cleanup for sure!
Debbie @ My Little Mess says
Love me some Lowes!
Our drop area are the shelves in the dining room and our kitchen table. They are typically covered with mail, tools, bags, receipts and other junk. It drive me nuts but any time I get it under control it springs back to crazyness.
Amy @ Lovely Nest says
Katie, the desk organization looks great! It makes me want to fix up my workspace. I had everything organized when we moved in, but over the past few years, things just get thrown on the desk or just stashed somewhere because I’ve run out of places to put things. So, I guess this goes without saying: Love me some Lowe’s! Some storage organizational items could really help me out!
Sarah says
Love me some Lowes!
I desperately need some master bedroom closet organization. And by “master” bedroom, I just mean the one we sleep in… it’s not especially masterful or much larger than the adjacent bedroom. And by “closet” I mean 4′ wide hole in the wall that was labeled a closet by the realtor. Help!
Nikki says
Love me some Lowes!
I would organize our terrible spare room/storage/hub’s “office.” So much junk in there that hasn’t been used/looked at/thought about in almost 2 years.
Heather says
Love me some Lowes!! My fantasy do it spot is the closet!! Needs some serious organizing!
Jason says
Love me some Lowes!!
I would love to organize my small utility room, add storage and a pantry area.
Lara says
Love me some Lowes!
Our whole house is a disaster (we moved in 6 months ago) but I’d say my top priority is to organize our storage area. We are storing a lot of stuff that I know we don’t need and it would be great to be able to find the stuff we do want!
Heather says
Love me some Lowe’s!
My master closet is the hottest mess on earth right now. I could really use some intervention in the form of a $100 GC. 🙂
Mariya says
Love me some Lowes! The entryway table is covered with mail, scarves, purses, charging station. It’s always a massive pile of stuff.
Meaghan says
Love me some Lowe’s!!
Lowe’s has been a huge part of our new house! We’ve been living here just about a year. The next area to organize–turning our upstairs into an office and lounging area.
Kassy says
Love me some Lowes! My closet could use some work! This would be great!
Jenna says
Love me some Lowes! My lazy susan is a hot mess and could use some tidying.
Alexis says
Love me some Lowe’s …
My garage shelving. It’s a total mess.
Anne C says
Love me some lowes. We live in a 1 bedroom condo with a 90 pound dog and a bunny rabbit. Our pet stuff area needs some serious help!