Merry Christmas friends! I took the last few days off to spend with these little munchkins…and will be back at it next week, but I wanted to wish you guys the very merriest Christmas. I hope it is filled with family and friends and loved ones (yes, even fur babies count!) and full plates and even fuller hearts. I really really do.
We have lots of family plans for this weekend…and the boys are counting down the HOURS till Santa comes. And the best news is that my Grandmother who we call Mummum is doing a lot better. My mom and dad went up to my grandparents house this week and I got to FaceTime with them last night around midnight. Yes…my entire family is chock full of night owls and they were about to start a movie 🙂
My Mummum had a couple strokes earlier this year and we honestly didn’t know what this holiday season would look like but she has had a couple procedures that have helped her and her talking is even back now! It’s a huge improvement even since Thanksgiving! AND…now they have wi-fi! It’s a christmas miracle 🙂
This weekend we are doing our Christmas eve church event….three out of four boys are in the service and the bells are really something to behold. Literally, it is a very joyful noise. And we are all looking forward to christmas with cousins, Jeremy’s annual Christmas waffles, and lots of remote control trucks.
ALSO….and this is a BIG surprise that the boys don’t know…..THIS YEAR WE ARE GETTING A PUPPY!!!!
We have been talking about adding a family pet for quite a few years now and we finally decided to get a pup! We talked to a lot of different people and decided that with our particular needs (small children, allergies, etc.) we would need to go through a breeder and we have been watching the mommy dog (her name is Poppy! How cute is that!) as she was pregnant and gave birth to our little guy and we even have a name picked out and he will be ready in mid January. So this christmas we are giving the boys all the dog gear and a ‘late delivery’ notice from Santa. They are gonna go nuts!
All that to say…we wish you a very very Merry Christmas!
p.s. I announced on Instagram that if you had any extra Christmas cards that you wanted to send our way….it’s a highlight EVERY year for us. The boys LOVE seeing your kids and your pets and your happy faces! You can send them to….
The Bowers
Loganville GA 30052
Wow!!!!!!! A puppy! Congrats! My friend who has 4 kids just got a dog too and although I told her SHE IS CRAZY, I really think it will take some of the focus off of each of them and they will care for the dog. Such a wonderful dynamic. Nothing like puppy love! Can’t wait to see him….I’m guessing he’s a hypoallergenic little guy. 🙂 Merry Christmas and enjoy your family! Thanks for everything you do for us all year long! 🙂
I would love to hear the happy squeals when the boys find out they are getting a puppy!
Merry Christmas to the Bowers.
Merry Christmas Bowers! May God continue to bless you. Enjoy the special weekend celebrating our Savior’s birth with those sweet kiddos of yours!
Have a blessed Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas! Your Christmas card is adorable!! You have a precious family! Is Will seven years old already!? Enjoy your new puppy!
That’s so exciting! Just always remind yourself that the puppy months can be so difficult. Definitely do some obedience classes and train the kids as well on how to work with the dog (also when to leave a dog alone and all that fun stuff). I board dogs in my home and am working on creating a dog training class focused on children and their dogs, so I’m happy to answer any questions, make recommendations, or give any tips if you’d like!
So glad to hear your Grandma is doing better. Prayed for her and your family. Merry Christmas!❤️
Merry Christmas Bowers! I’m so excited to have your children experience having a dog. We’ve had our dog for 5 years and this past fall we got a puppy to add to the clan. My kids are currently 2 and 4. This dog will be their best friend and yet teach them so much about responsibility. Good luck and Merry Christmas! My card to you is already in the mail!
Was just wondering when and where do we look for the winners of the crate tool giveaways.
Love the picture of the boys! Enjoy your Christmas!
The winners will be contacted directly!
xo – kb
I would’ve loved to see the faces of your little ones on Xmas day.
Happy New Year to you all!
I was secretly hoping one of my gifts would bark this year, but alas I might have to wait until next year 😉 How exciting! Can’t wait to see the new pup!
I’m normally not one to leave comments but I’ve enjoyed your blog for years and felt your family had great ideals and values. However reading that you’re getting a puppy through a breeder is absolutely heartbreaking. I work at an animal shelter in Texas and we get in DOZENS of puppies ranging from 1 day old-4 months old every single week that are all completely amazing and would be great with kids. I’m talking purebred lab pups, basset hound pups, chihuahua pups, cattle dog pups, etc. There is just absolutely NO reason to get a dog from a breeder when there are actually healthy ADORABLE puppies getting euthanized at shelters near you every single day. Pretty sad.
I completely agree. I would love to get a rescue. But we have very specific needs with allergies and so we actually stalked Georgia rescues for a puppy that would meet them, and the pups that fit our criteria would go SO fast. I wish that we could get any rescue (I’m obviously not the one with allergies) but I have to think of my kids first and I didn’t think putting them on meds would be fair….so this is just the best fit that we have found for us.
xo – kb
Merry Christmas. I am a longish time reader and think you are an extremely talented and kind person and have a very beautiful family who always try to do and teach the right thing. I read this post last night and because I don’t like to post negative comments went to bed, but this has weighed too heavy on my heart. You aren’t unique in going to a breeder, nor are you the first person to say they had “special” needs that required that. Unfortunately, the only thing “special” about your situation is that you weren’t willing to wait for a dog to come into your life from a rescue that met your requirements. There are 100’s of rescues and organizations, many that even cater to specific breeds. Often there are puppies being fostered, but puppies are puppies only for a few months and a one or two or three year old dog is just as great…even better in fact…no potty training! I have rescues that I had before children and after one passed away considered getting another, but with two kids under 4 now and wanting a small breed I understand that sometimes they won’t adopt to people with small children, so I am waiting. Based on what I know about you, I’m sure your decision was a thoughtful one, however, I still find it very disappointing and I hope this will be a take away to your readers to rescue and not go to a breeder. Thank you for your time. I do enjoy reading your blog and I know your children will love this dog regardless of where it came from.
Someone had to say it. Thank you Amanda.
It breaks my heart that dogs are bred and sold while others wait in cages at shelters for their forever homes.
I completely understand. I do. But we have been waiting…two years. And we have come close a couple times but then had the right dog become unavailable. I do hope that people understand that I always will recommend a rescue first.
xo – kb
Thanks Katie. I know it can be hard for you as people can criticize every move you make, so I appreciate you listening to my views. I know you are a lovely person…this is my passion so wanted to write you. I’m glad to hear you put a lot of consideration in to this. Have a wonderful new year!
Hope you all had a great Christmas! I know you’ll get plenty of thoughts on rescue versus breeder, so my two cents is that while you’re out shopping for your dog– maybe pick up a bed or some cleaning supplies (bleach, paper towels) to drop off at a rescue with your boys (those that aren’t allergic). May just be a good teaching moment, and allows you to help in a way that works best for you and your family. 🙂
What a wonderful suggestion! I will definitely do that. Will is not allergic (as far as we know) and he is really the one that understands this kind of thing…so maybe I can do that with him as a date. I bet it would mean a lot to him because he is my kid that wants to save all the dogs 🙂
xo – kb
Wait, Will is already 7?! I thought he was still 6 (he’s pretty close in age with my almost 7 year old)… Time is flying! I’ve been a loyal reader before he was born!
He isn’t. I had a brain fart when I created the cards and didn’t realize it until I sent it out to all our friends and family. He is ecstatic 🙂
xo – kb