Ya’ll remember the wooden beast?

Yup, it was a hand-me-down from my boss (dinner went great by the way! YAY! And a huge bear hug to all of you praying for me!). I just knew that this soon-to-be-fab-cabinet would be perfect for storage in our first floor bathroom. At first I was totally inspired to paint the beast a nice clean white just like Eddie Ross did his fantastic secretary.
First, I popped off the flowery wooden emblems on the drawer front. Since they were ornate and the bathroom is sort of simple, they just had to go. A chisel, a hammer, and some screwdrivers to remove the drawer pulls made it a snap. Althought it was easy – the front veneer sustained some damage.
To be quite honest – it isn’t a high class antique piece of furniture. Obviously the veneer was damaged but the overall quality of the cabinet is not high. But it was free. And personally I don’t look a gift horse in the mouth (can you believe I just found out what that saying means?!?!).
Enter Pro-Bond. I love this stuff. Shmear some on sanded wood for a new finish. Fill holes. Smooth gnashes. Then let dry…it’ll bond to the wood and harden up. Then sand it with medium sandpaper till smooth. Paint over and wahLA!
And here is me – on the coldest day that Atlanta has seen all year – and I am freezing my patooties off painting the beast. Yes, I am wearing three pairs of pants…and three shirts plus a sweatshirt. scarf. hat. And no makeup. That’s right folks – I am going el naturel…and posting for all to see. When I show up on uglypeople.com I am going after that blasted Anonymous. He has had a bone to pick with me since day 1 🙂
And here she is after priming. She is drying in our garage. I can’t wait to move her into the bathroom and put all the chotchkies and towels and extra toilet paper in it. It really will help complete my need for extra storage in there.
Ok – but now I need your help. Desperately. The walls in the bathroom are a grey with a hint of blue (represented by first paint color). The plan is to paint her a plain white (represented by the second paint color). And I got to thinking that maybe the inside of the cabinet should be a punchy color. But I don’t know. So in true Bower Power fashion – I am gonna put it to a vote.
Vote for one of these three options. And remember – you are voting to see this color on the INSIDE of the cabinet. It’s an accent color – like a sexy James Bond accent color.
What a find! I love that you saw the potential in this piece.
I vote for the Atmospheric for the interior. Stamford Wife did something similar to the dresser for her nursery and it looks stunning!
i love atmospheric, it might actually be the color i’ve been searching for in my bedroom!
Option 3 for sure. It’s understated yet punchy. Is that a possible combination? If so, you’ve found it.
love love love! i was wondering how it was coming together and your dinner with the ol’ boss reminded me about it! anyhow…what are you putting inside it? is it colorful? i had the same debate with our buffet (which is getting put together this weekend!!) and decided to keep it all one color and not accent the inside. i know, how many time do i change my mind. a lot. anyhow, reasoning is that our dishes, while all white, we also have some great accent dishes (and i have my eye on some anthro ones that are colorful!). so, if what’s inside is all white (like towels and baskets) i’d do a color (go blue) and that stuff will pop.
ps if you seriously pop up on ungly whatever i’m going after that person! you are adorable!
I like option 3 too. I am loving blue/gray right now. Good luck.
Umm… I kind of love the caliente. But I was at odds with everyone over your coat vote, too, so maybe I have bad taste?
I also like Option 3 the best. But if you want a punch – number 2 sure gives one!
Atmospheric all the way. That’s my fave color, so I am biased. But I think of clean, calm blues in bathrooms. Plus, if you move the cabinet to another room down the road, the blue will be more likely to suit that space….
I like #3.
I can’t wait to see how it turns out. I’ve been toying with the idea of painting our hutch with a different color inside. But, I’m not nearly as brave and exciting as you.
atmospheric NUMERO 3!
i like caliente – but i’m partial to red. the blue would look great as well!
I think #2 would be the best pop of color, especially if you are putting lighter colored towels in it, you don’t want everthing to blend. Just my opinion!
All these great finds on these blogs are driving me nuto! You go girL!
Option #3! I love it!
This looks great and has lots of potential. I vote for the atmospheric, it looks very soothing and calming and if you decide to go darker one day it will be easy to paint over than if you paint it the redish color and change your mind. Good luck I cant wait to see the finished prodcut.
Darn it, I was waiting for the big reveal but you’re making us work instead! Hmmmmmm, I’d have to see the rest of the bathroom before I can decide. So there.
Wow, it’s gonna look awesome when you’re done. And I vote for option #3. LOVE that blue.
That bluish color in number three is gorgeous- I vote for that! The red is definitely punchy, but I like the blue with the white better and it will still definitely create contrast.
Since its for a bathroom, I’d say blue #3.
Hi BFF! You know me better than I know myself so you know I’m gunning for numero tres. Love me some moody blue-gray deliciousness. But yummier than that dreamy third color palette is you in your lil’ hat and multiple pairs of pants. More pics like that please.
Ugh. I really wish hubby didn’t think painting wood was a mortal sin–I LOVE the new look.
And I definitely vote for option 3.
OOH! I like options 1 or 2. Gorgeous!
Option 3!!!
Heck, it looks great in the primer stage…can’t wait to see the amazing transformation!
Option #3 all the way…that cabinet is gorgeous! Patiently awaiting the final reveal! : )