I’m interrupting our dream house tour segments to bring you a little Friar Tuck Musical extravaganza.
He’s been taking ‘piano lessons’ from my mother since, well, three months old. That is when the constant crying stopped. That’s when the need for constant movement ended. That’s when my dear mom could actually hold him in a sitting position while playing the piano and he didn’t act like he was passing a kidney stone.
Obviously the lessons have been paying off. He’s practically Beethoven. He’s like a prodigy. We are adding “produces noise with both hands on the piano” to his resume.
Billy Joel & Elton John – if you are reading this, my darling 9 month old is ready to go on tour. Believe me – he’s a hit with the ladies.
You better watch out Mozart. Once these chubby little fingers know how to control a pencil without jamming it into the back of his mouth, his symphony will take over the classical music world as we know it.
p.s. the rest of the house tour is gonna have to wait till next week. Apparently someone didn’t read the limits on how much can be uploaded to Vimeo on their free account and apparently someone reached their limit this week already. Apparently that someone sucks the life outta all fun things. But don’t worry – that same someone will pay for it later today when she does her ‘very scary thing’ 🙂
love the behind shot of him playing & his feet dangling. so cute it should be framed!
Ohhh….I just want to bite those toes!! I’m also that someone who goes over their free account limits. Sistas from another motha.
Will is too cute!
No worries about havng to wait on the house tour! Looking forward to it whenever Vimeo decides to play nicely in the sandbox! I reach my free account limits on things constantly, but I’m too cheap to upgrade!
And KB you are such a tease with your ‘very scary thing’!! You better believe I will be obsessively blog-stalking you even more than usual… in the least creepy way possible!
Oh those chubby little hands and feet! This is the cutest. I miss it. My girls are 8 and 4. Great photos!
I love the teeny, tiny baby toes and fingers!
such a cute post. love it!
It’s Mozart’s birthday today, too. And, no I’m not a weird trivia junkie, my class looked him up yesterday 😉
Is he about to walk?
Baby feet. Ain’t nothin’ like ’em!
Adorable! Your pictures are beautiful! So want to have that talent to capture our baby boy. I am workin on it and using your tips! 🙂
Haha! I also know the feeling of exceeding free storage capacity and having to wait a few weeks before resuming work.
Will is stinking adorable!
I may have done some “google stocking” on your very scary thing… Congrats!!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE those chubby little fingers! And the picture of him from behind with the feet dangling? LOVE.
Okay, sorry about the ALL CAPS but I wanted to get my point across 🙂
That is adorable!
I see Rebecca beat me to it but yeah I thought this post was especially funny because it is Mozarts bday today. Haha. Love all the shots especially the father son one.
That’s exactly what I was going to say!
The picture of his chubby little feet hanging from the bench is my favorite! You are such a great photographer… I aspire to be that good one day 🙂
How ironic….threatening Mozart on the day he was brought into the world. yup. sounds like something I would do.
xo – kb
I agree with the others – love the shot from behind of his feet. Best not to practice any pieces that require the hold or damper pedals til he grows just a little bit more.
Aww the feet! Frame that one pronto.
Seriously Katie, you are an ah-MAZING Photographer-ess! Thes are so precious. Please share with me what lense you used to shoot these with! Really, really, really lovely images.
It’s the 50 mm 1.4…LOVE it!
xo – kb
Okay, that picture of his little feet dangling a foot above the petals made me tear right up. I am pregnant, but I think I would have welled up even without all of the surging hormones. It’s so sweet.
sweet adorable hands and feet!!!
He’s such a cuite and it’s awesome to see him perfecting his craft so early. I believe he’e aready on his way!!!
Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!! I followed one of these comments and found it, too 🙂
KB – YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Amazing pictures…your subject isn’t so bad either. What a cutie.
OMG! This is soooo cute! He looks like a little man sitting up there 🙂
So cute. Looks like my little guy. He’s always reaching up, tickling the ivories. Guess I should sit him up there and let him go at it. Now if I could work on getting a better working piano. Mine is old and the necessary keys are broken!!!
Beautiful, and such a great hint for your scary thing! 🙂 I love the last pic- that little pinky reaching out- looking like quite the pro!
Can you please put your videos on youtube? my computer wont let me watch them :0(
Your ability to capture these special moments is so wonderful. Will is really lucky to have so much of his childhood documented already!
Adorable! Love the little feet under the bench. Great perspective 🙂