Sorry about the lack of post today. I’ve been a little bit busy lately and it has my hiney wore out. Here’s a few things that I’ve been up to:
1. I shot and edited some photos of this little cutie:
and her cutie pie sister (who I could eat up with a spoon!):
2. We kinda went outta town for a quick 36 hour trip. Here’s a clue where:
3. I started the editing of the video tour of our dream house. Here’s a teaser photo for you to drool over…
4. I’ve worked on some rooms in our house. Like almost all of them. There is new photos to share and I am super excited about some of the decorating changes. The guest bedroom is one of my favorites…sneakpeek alert:
5. I have my January’s resolution figured out. I gotta do something scary. And the thing I chose literally makes me want to poop myself. Let’s just say that it has something to do with this:
I am gonna try to get a killer post up tomorrow. It might be about one of these things…it might be about how Will has discovered the toilet paper…and thinks it’s delicious. Either way, it’ll be good times with your favorite little homeschooled redneck who is totally winded….whirlwinded 🙂
You were homeschooled? I love that. Especially because I was homeschooled after the age of eleven.
I LOOOOOVE your dream house pic. That room is gorgeous! I cannot wait to see what you do with it. Do you think you will keep everything very similar, or are you going to really mix it up?
Hmm…a 36-hr-trip to the Big Apple? Does this have something to do with a TV show , perhaps? I hope so. You’d be hilarious on TV! 🙂
The guest room looks awesome!
What the heck girl, you have been busy! I want to hear about this NYC trip. And see more of your dream home. Share!!!
YOU WENT ON THE NATE BERKUS SHOW!!! I’m guessing but I sure hope I’m right!! What am I even to say about your dream home besides….ITs.A.DREAM. And I am totally what you’ve done to the guest bedroom, those red lamps on the matching bedside tables? Bananas as rachel zoe would say…love everything! xoxo
That’s the dream home? All this time I’ve been thinking how much I love your current house and I couldn’t understand why you would want to move, but my gosh! That’s picture looks amazing!
Are you going to shoot a wedding?! That’s my guess about the camera-related-poop-inducing-resolution. Looking forward to explanations. 😉
Oh, and at least Will is a baby who eats toilet paper….unlike the toilet-paper-eating-grown-woman recently on the new show “My Strange Addiction.” Eek, you better nip that one in the bud now or the next thing you know he will be stashing it in his backpack and glove compartment so he can snack on it whenever he wants……..
The house photo? SHUT UP. Seriously?!? If I were you I wouldn’t be able to type — I’d be too busy vibrating with excitement. LOVE it!
Are you going to start a business? Are you coming to Houston so we can hang out? There are two very delicious cupcake bakeries here that we could hang out at….just sayin’. 🙂
The teaser is so not fair. Your new place looks gorg. Give me more!
That looks like it just may be my dream house, too!
I hope the NYC trip has something to do with a TV show involving a cutie host with great hair!
Yes, Katie, fill us in on the new house. Where does everything stand? Have you closed yet? When do you move in?
1) Those girls are precious!
2) I hope everyone is right about being on a show! I can so see you as a TV personality
3) The picture of the house is incredible! I can’t wait to hear if you have made any new steps to moving into that beauty
4) Love the red and black guest room (GO DAWGS!!!)
5) I know you go a new camera so, if your selling your old one. I’ll be more than happy to take it off your hands. Just kidding.
Can’t wait for the next post!!
Oh…I absolutely cannot wait to see more about that new house. It is gorgeous!
Girl, you better spill the deets on the Nate Berkus show and Stat! Nice teaser, but us loyal readers are in the know!
Love that fireplace. That is just like the fireplace in out (hopefully) new house. Can’t wait to hear the big news.
That house is gorgeous!!! About a million times bigger than I ever imagined from the descriptions before. When can I move in? :o)
Can’t wait to hear updates! That shot of your dream home is stunning! The architecture is just amazing.
Yup sure was Pink Sun Drops…and yes, I am socially awkward 🙂
xo – kb
Hey, you were in NYC?! Were you doing a television appearance?
That dream home looks magnificent! I want to know how you plan to paint that room… I’m terrified of heights! It’s beautiful. Love that stone fireplace.
What a way to tease us! Can’t wait to see more pics of that stunning house! WOW! I’m loving it already 🙂
Love the fireplace! It is sooo pretty. So much natural light in that room (doesn’t look like it will need a lot of work)!
and can i say OH MY GOD. That fireplace room, the ceiling height…my mouth dropped open!!
I was thinking the same thing…. Does the TV show rhyme with Bate Nerkus?
OMG! the house looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see more pictures. I am seriously in love- and think I might need to move south to Atlanta.
i cant waaaait to see the rest of your house! i love how you decorate with goodwill/clearance/garage sale items. its really inspired me. do you plan on doing the same with the new house???
Holy moly, that’s a room in the house you’re in the process of buying?! Totally awesome!! And yeah, the toilet paper, you’ll have to start closing your bathroom doors!
LOVE the dream house teaser! Totally can’t wait to hear abut NYC and see what the scary thing involving the camera is!
you start that photog business, kb (ahem, my guess for #5). love it 🙂
can’t wait to hear about the nyc trip (and tv show?!). and love love love your new house!
I was thinking the same thing..seems to be a trend around here. Does Nate Berkus Show ring a bell????
Cute kids!!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! I couldn’t comprehend anything after the dream house photo, you might as well have written the rest of that post in another language. That living room is AMAZING! I was excited about seeing the dream house photos, but now I don’t know how I’m going to be able to function until I get to see more photos. Wow, wow, wow.
I peed my pants a little just thinking about what the rest of it might look like, and I say that jokingly, but seeing as I’m pregnant and this baby seems to be doing jumping jacks on my bladder, it’s very possible.
I’ll be wearing Depends from now on while reading your blog.
That house is BEAUTIFUL. Can’t wait to see more!
Can you please spill the beans about e v e r y t h i n g…the NYC trip, the house, the poop-inducing scary resolution!
That house…omg
I’m with everyone else….I hope the NYC trip has something to do with the Nate Show!!
LOVE the photo shoot and LOVE the sneak peek of the dream home! Looks VERY spacious!
Oh yeah Sarah – I can’t get thrifting outta my bloodstream…I definitely think my style will evolve to fit in with new surroundings but there will be plenty of sale items in the new house 🙂
xo – kb
I was definitely thinking about the same thing when I saw the toilet paper comment! Crazy people eating the weirdest things.
The teasers are so unfair! We need more information! All this AND A NEW CAMERA! So cool! Can’t wait to see and hear more!
I LOVE your white coat, it is SOOOOOOO cute!! Do you mind if I ask where it is from…?
1. Awesome
2. Awesome
3. Really awesome
4. Awesome
5. Sounds awesome
Also, 40% off coupon for Hobby Lobby!
(tomorrow is the last day)
Hi Greta! It’s from Victoria’s Secret 🙂
xo – kb
you totally were on the nate berkus show, weren’t you!?!? seems like every blog i read these days is writing about a whirlwind trip to NYC! i cannot wait to hear the details! i don’t watch his show, but i will when you’re on it!!!!!
don’t leave us waiting too long pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase!
So many teasers! Can’t wait to hear about the trip to NYC! And the picture of your dream house is AMAZING. Holy smokes!!
And I think the wall art is new in the guest bedroom photo…?
Oh Katie, don’t you know that we addicts…erm…faithful blog followers…cannot handle just little smidgens of info? We get too excited! Here’s hoping you don’t make us wait toooooo long 🙂
Number one – house photo = gorg!
Number two – you got a 5D!!! If you’re going to start your own business, you MUST check out Pinkletoes for Photographers (send me an email for more info). It’s full of mom-tog business women, many who do maternity and newborn photos. I definitely recommend it.
Dream house equals AMAZING!!
I heart the dream house pic! I can hardly contain my excitement to need MORE! 🙂
ahhh you’re such a tease! :]
Thank you!!! ps I think you should also start a style blog. 🙂
After getting over ooing and aahing over your new fireplace, my very next thought was, “How in the WORLD is she going to ever paint that room???” LOL
Perhaps you will get scaffolding for your birthday this year…
Umm…dream house is GORGEOUS! Can’t wait to see the tour!
YOUR DREAM HOUSE IS GORGEOUS!!! Seriously, just from this one picture I can totally see why you fell in love with it. I can’t wait for the video tour!!!!
And I’m with everyone else, I bet you were on the Nate show along with Kate at CG…. and are you possibly starting a photography business??
Can’t wait for all these “teasers” to be revealed 🙂
You’re such a tease- love it! It’s gotta be Nate right?! Dream house is soooo dreamy!
how romantic…
xo – kb
I really hope your scary thing is doing photography, because I live in the Atlanta area and will be needing some maternity shots when my baby bump starts showing by spring or summer! I love the maternity photos you did for your friend last summer!
So, I would love a post on ANY of the above issues- And your dream house is BEAUTIFUL! (does it really back up to open land???) On a side note: where did you get the pictures that hang above your bed in your guest room???
I just about died when I saw the dream house teaser. I have been thinking {silently} for the last month that you are crazy to move from your beautiful house. I love it. But after seeing that picture, I get it. So excited to see what you do with that gorgeous house! And even more excited to see the rest of it!
Nate Berkus is my guess too!
Your new home is beautiful!! I love big open spaces!! Can’t wait for the tour!! :O)
I’m excited about every single sneak peek!!!!
What a phenomenal dream space– I LOVE the huge amount of windows, the tall ceilings, and the fireplace. And it opens to more outdoor living space– a patio? Incredible. Congrats!
WOW. This post was a teaser and blew me away all at once. Beautiful house, beautiful girls, Nate Berkus I presume…you are such a tease. I can’t wait for all of the reveals to this post 🙂
Anyone who is a someone in the design world has been going to tape for Nate lately, so that just must be it! Can’t wait for some more deets. And, your new family room is to die for with that fireplace and cathedral ceilings. Lucky girl.
More house pics please! Can’t wait to see how it all come together, we all need some inspiration.
The stone wall in your dream house makes me squeal. Those walls seem like intimidating to paint (!) but I’m sure you’re eager to get your DIY paws all over it 🙂