It’s Back!
The Bower Build Off is back and we are thrilled to tackle two more projects in our home!
Last time during this challenge between Jeremy and I, we were able to accomplish two projects in our house in such little time. Nothing lights DIY butts on fire like a friendly competition between spouses. That’s right. If you don’t already know the rules, we both think that we have the best ideas…so out of our extreme competitive spirits, the Bower Build Off was born. Basically Jeremy and I go head to head in masterminding the projects….we get to pick our own DIY projects (things that are useful to us so that we aren’t wasting time or money), make the decisions on aesthetics, basically run the show till the final results get churned out. Then we take photos of each project and put them in front of you so that YOU can make the decision and choose the winning ‘idea’.
Of course, this wouldn’t be a competition without rules. So our rules are this – we each get to pick a parameter and must stay within those guidelines. This helps keep the project on the same playing field – it’s not really fair to wage a DIY craft against an entire new garage.
When we battled it out last time, Jeremy created a great set of DIY light fixtures out of old thread spools…
That post has a great tutorial for wiring pretty much anything with lamp kits you can buy at your local home improvement store.
And I made a DIY bench for our “mud room“….
Although both projects have been really useful, Jeremy’s won the vote last time and now I am out for BLOOD! (hey it’s Halloween week, I can say that, right?!)
And this time around we have new parameters and a whole new awkward video for you! This time we tried filming it with the big camera so tell me if you can hear it better….
Okay – so parameter one is that it needs to be a project on a wall. And parameter two is that it needs to be a blog knock-off. Personally I think that is a genius parameter because it takes the brain-work out of it….and you know that we are just like all you other parents-of-babies out there….we need to save those brain cells for important decisions….like “Does this diaper got another thirty minutes in it?” or “Should I try this peaches and peas baby food?” Which by the way…the answer is no. Never try anything with the peas. Trust me.
Curious – does Jeremy read enough blogs to find a knock off project he likes? 🙂
I love these Build Off Battles…I may have to challenge my husband!
number two.. (giggles in hand…)
haha…. you guys are 2 cute!! 2 Funny!! And I can’t wait to see your number 2s!!!!
#2. Lol. I was watching this on our iPad and right before the bloopers came on our Bluetooth soundboard picked up the noise and my daughter heard your laughing and would giggle along when you would laugh…totally made them that much funnier!
You are my favorite person for laughing at “number two” I LOVE your potty mouth lol
Just had to second your comment on the peas — NEVER, and I mean NEVER, try ANYTHING with peas!!!!
Good luck Katie — you got this—- Kick that boys butt!! 🙂 Sorry Jeremy! Gotta stick with my girl, here! 🙂
I just died laughing at the outtakes! That was so funny!! Can’t wait to see what y’all build this time around. And I’d love to be a fly on your wall. Super pooper!!
He actually addressed that in a part that we cut out (had to make the video under 5 mins because otherwise it gets boring). He said that he would google a blog that did the project and that would make it easier!
xo – kb
Tell Jeremy to stop giving me the finger British-style!! He has to turn his hand the other way for it to be a peace sign.
I voted for Jeremy’s project last time–Katie, you gots to bring it!!
Looking forward to seeing yer wallllzzzzzz.
Still laughing at the out takes! Hilarious! And the title of the post. I had no idea where you were going with that title 🙂
I love y’all so much! Your outtakes were too cute! Can’t wait to see what you both come up with!
Katie, your hair/ponytail looks fabulous in this video!!
Y’all are just so stinkin’ cute!!
Also, SUPER POOPER gets yelled in our house as well….. I have no idea where it came from. But, now I know that we are not alone. 🙂
Love the outtakes! Katie- you are the most adorable person ever! Let the games begin.
Can’t wait to see what you two come up with. I love the competition idea!
So funnny! I know who you both are, but anyway is kind listen to yoo introduce yourself. Just saying.
The outtakes!!! Hahahaha!
Oh, my gosh! You guys totally crack me up! I love the bloopers and can’t wait to see what you come up with for the Bower Build of number…… 2!
This is so clever! And you are absolutely right, there is nothing like a good competition between spouses. 🙂
Oh my gosh you two are the cutest! I love the video! I also really like this idea “Bower Build Off”.
A little healthy competition is always fun 😉
Also, I started laughing at the “number two” comment because you said “The second edition of the Bower Build Off” and Jeremy pipes in “Number two” … well yes Jeremy, Katie just said that … 😉